Holophane agile Reporting Updates…

QMT, Hold Order and Order reports are now available for Holophane!

All Holophane agile users should now have access to QMT, Hold Order and Order reporting via agile. A high level description of each report is available below. For more detailed information please refer to the Holophane Agile Reports-User Guide located in the Reporting folder under the Help Tab.


Report Descriptions:

QMT: This report was previously called the Project-Quote report. This report shows an overall view of project and quote activity for a given rep. The report can be viewed in a summary format or a detailed format.

Order Detail – Customer View: This report shows all the orders and order lines entered during the specified time frame.

Orders Not Shipped Details – Agency view:  This detail report shows a list of all the orders entered during the specified time frame that have not shipped (any shipped lines on an order will not be reflected in the report). In addition to the order numbers, it can also be expanded to show the order lines and it can be filtered by order type.

Orders Scheduled to Ship Details – Agency View: This detail report shows a list of all the orders with lines scheduled to be shipped during the specified time frame, based on the Estimated Ship Date. It is useful for estimating the value of future shipments within the specified time frame. In addition to the order numbers, it can also be expanded to show the order lines.

Orders Shipped and Billed Details – Agency View:   This detail report shows a list of all the order lines that have shipped during the specified time frame, regardless of when they were entered (any unshipped lines on an order will not be reflected in the report). In addition to the order numbers, it can also be expanded to show the order lines.

Order Summary by Distributor (Order #) – Agency View: This report shows a list of all the orders entered during the specified time frame, subtotaled by Distributor.

Hold Order Detail: This report shows all the hold orders with open hold order lines entered during the specified time frame. It also contains a “Hold for Release” filter to allow you the flexibility of viewing all hold orders or only those flagged as “Hold for Release”. Once all lines from the hold order have been ordered, the hold order will no longer appear on the report.

Orders by Assigned Contacts – Sort by Contact:. This report shows a list of all customer contacts that are on the Contacts tab of the order, sorted by contact type and contact. The report can show the detail levels of Customer type, Customer and Order #.

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