agile Quotes–New Functionality, Enhancements and Fixes
A new version of agile Quotes ( has been deployed to Production. Highlights of this release include:
- Non-ABL Overage Enhancements (including full systems integration through Commission Reconciliation)
- Deducts (ability to enter in negative quantities)
- Cross-Quote Copy/Paste functionality
- Product Availability visibility on the Customer Copy Printout
- “Clipboard” output customization
- Several additional enhancements and bug fixes
Deducts: You now have the ability to enter negative quantities in agile Quotes. Please note that negative lines will affect the Screen/Grand Total. In addition the following functionality will not work on lines with a negative quantity:
- CIP (all lines with a negative quantity will be ignored)
- Spread (you can still use the Spread button it will just ignore negative lines)
Stay tuned for a blog coming next week with more information on Deducts!
Product Availability Print Option: A new print option has been added to allow you to print product availability for stock product (as shown in the “Available” column). Please note this information is just a snap shot of current levels and could change quickly
New Field for Internal Comments: This new field was requested to allow users to add quick product specific internal notes. Please note that it is not being added to any of the Standard Layouts so you will need to create a Custom Layout to access it
Non-ABL Overage
We have made the following changes to Non-ABL Overage in the Quotes Client/Order Management:
- Changed the “CIP $” and “CIP Comm $” fields to “Ovg $” and “Ovg Comm $” since these fields will now be used for CIP and Non-ABL Overage
- A new quote layout “Overage Standard” has been added for quick editing and visibility of Overage $ on the quote
- Added two new fields including “Ovg Comm %” which allows you to specify the split % for any Overage on that particular Line and “Total Ext $” which allows you to see the combined “Ext $” and “Ext Ovg $” value. This column will allow you to always be able to add up the values to verify the amount in the Screen Total (prior to this you would have to add up the values in “Ext $” and then add in any Overage)
Manual Spread
Through the use of the “Ovg $” and “Ovg Comm %” fields you can manually enter the amount of Overage on a line (similar to CIP Unit Spread)
Overage Line
- The Overage Line is now only available for Non-ABL, though you can still add one without a Mfg/Div specified
- To allow for consistent storage of Overage and CIP (to make reporting easier) we have changed where you enter the amount for the Overage Line. Like Manual Spread you will now enter the Overage amount into the “Ovg $” and “Ovg Comm %” fields. All existing Overage Lines have been adjusted to fit this new format.
- The Overage Line will now import into OM cleanly
Stay tuned for a blog tomorrow with more information on Non-ABL Overage
Cross-Quote Copy/Paste
The ability to Copy & Paste across quotes has been added to agile Quotes. To accommodate this we have added a “Paste” button both in the Lines Tab menu bar (which will paste to the bottom of the current quote) and in the line level menu (which will paste above the current line). Please note the line level menu will now allow you to paste into the quote where you want as opposed to the bottom of the quote. A few additional points of interest:
- The “Paste” functionality will Copy RFDs and the corresponding approvals/good through dates
- The Paste functionality will copy Pricing Approvals, but only in the same Quote version. If you paste into a different version or Quote you will need to resubmit to the LQD for approval
- Copy has now been enabled for “Read Only” quotes
Stay tuned for a blog coming next week with more information on Cross-Quote Copy/Paste
- You can now customize the fields to be copied to the clipboard using the Preferences dialog on the Quotes Dashboard
- When pasting into an E-mail or Office document the output from the “Clipboard” will now use a fixed-width font (Courier New). This will help with alignment issues in applications where you are able to specify a font
- The clipboard no longer pops up a dialog to let you know the lines have been copied but rather updates the lower left hand status bar
Factor Functionality Cleanup
- Factors that are not based off an ABL Price Point will calculate locally instead of making a server call
- In previous versions of agile Quotes, if a factor could not be applied to a line (for example a factor based off “Target” on a Non-ABL Line) it would wipe out the “Factor Name”. Moving forward if a line can not apply the selected Factor it will leave the “Factor Name” in place and highlight the “Factor $” in red. This should make it easier to identify problem lines
- You can now factor “Freight”, “Service” and “Tax” lines
- While the “Overage” line cannot be factored it will now only populate a value for Factor Columns that have been set
Layout Customizations
- You can now drag and drop columns in the “Manage Layout” dialog as well as using the “>”, “<”, “Up” and “Down” buttons
- Changed the default file name for the pdf copy of the quote to [Job Name], [Quote Number].pdf
- You can now “Send” from the print preview
- Will now default “Quoted By” to the creator of the Quote
- When selecting a Distributor or Contractor for the “Quoted To” we will check for any custom Counts and if found default to those Counts for the Printout. You will still have the ability to override this though
Submit for Review
- The “Comments” field on the “Submit for Review” dialog has been increased from 20 to 200 characters. In addition it will now add the text entered in the “Comments” field as a Note on the submitted version
- Addressed an issue where you could name Factor Columns without having selected a Factor
- Addressed an issue where Overage Lines would prevent you from being able to select a factor column when printing
- Addressed an issue where the app would crash on “Send” if an Outlook dialog was open. Users will now be prompted to let them know what has happened
Project “Save As New”
- Fixed an issue where “Save As New” from the Project was not copying over Factors correctly
- Fixed an issue where “Save As New” was not resetting the Version number and Quote status on the new quote
Standard Notes
- Addressed an issue where “Default” Standard Notes were not automatically applying to Quick Quotes