Several more Report Enhancements that you asked for!
Based on agency feedback, we recently updated several reports to allow for filter of National Accounts business and Acuity value stream commissions, and created a new report to assist with commission reconciliation!
- A National Accounts filter has been added to the following reports:
- Project -Quote
- Project –Quote by Follow-Up Salesperson
- Order Detail
- Order Summary by Distributor
- Orders not Shipped
- Order Detail – Agency View
- The Project Quote by Follow-Up Salesperson now has a filter to allow you to show or hide the manufacturers associated with the quote
- The Order Summary by Distributor report now allows you to expand to see the companies and contacts associated with the order
- The Commissions Received by Value Stream report now has a filter for the ABL value streams
- The Overage Order report has additional fields for Distributor Purchase Order number, Quote number, and Quote Person
- The Briefing Book now has a Commission Summary page to provide a snapshot of commissions due for the next 4 months, the top 5 manufacturers past due, and a 24-month trend of agency commissions
New Report!
The Orders Shipped Not Billed report has now been added to the Executive folder and will allow you to see at a summary level the manufacturers, DSP, and Commission amount that has been shipped but not invoiced. At a detail level by manufacturer, you will see the order information including PO# and job name.