
Acuity Distributor Center Open for Business!

During the week of March 10, 2014, we will be putting Acuity Distributor Center account management into the hands of the agency.  With this change comes the following enhancements:

  • Agency Visibility of your Distributor Users
  • Agency Management of Distributor Accounts and Requests
  • Enable agile Log In with Acuity Distributor Center for Visibility of All Customers

Acuity Distributor Center Available 9/24/13

Are you and your distributors ready? On 9/24/13, the new Acuity Distributor Center (ADC) will replace the Lithonia Distributor Center (LDC). Hopefully you had a chance to participate in one of the agency training webinars and review the September 5th blog post containing the details of the coming changes. If you have not, please take a moment…