Entering and Tracking Non-ABL Sales Goals
In a continued effort to expand the non-ABL capability so that agile becomes your enterprise system, we have added the ability for you to enter annual/monthly sales goals for your non-ABL manufacturers and track progress via a report.
Non-ABL Sales Goals are entered in Contact Management on each Non-ABL manufacturer’s record.
- To enter sales goals, open the Non-ABL Manufacturer record and click on the Sales Goals Tab.
- Click on Add Sales Goal and Select the year from the drop down.
- Enter the annual sales goal and you will be prompted to spread evenly to all months. Click OK to spread the amount entered or Cancel to re-enter a new annual amount. Please note that once the annual amount is spread across the months, you can update any given month with a different amount. Changes made to a month will update the annual total. Click save and close.
Once your sales goals are entered, you can run a report at any time to evaluate where you stand against your goal. To run the report, go to to the Reports page. The Sales Goal Report is located in the Sales Report folder.
- Select Sales Goals and View Report
- Enter the date range you wish to evaluate. You can select to run the report for a specific non-ABL Manufacturer or all. Only those companies with Sales goals entered will be in the drop down for selection.
The goal column shows the goal to date for the time frame entered (based on months). The Current Sales shows orders booked for the same time frame. The Current % of goal is where you stand at this point based on the goal for the time frame and the current sales for that time frame. The % above/behind to date is the percent ahead or behind based on where you should be based on the date range you entered.
Example: Annual Goal for MFG X=$240,000 or $20,000 Monthly
If you run the report from Jan 1-April 30, 2013, the Goal would be $80,000 for 4 months ($20K per month). Assuming the Current Sales for that time frame were $30,000 , your current % of Goal would be 37.50% ($30,000/$80,000). Since you are 120 days into the year, your expected target is 32.8% of your goal (120/365). Therefore you are ahead of your goal to date by 4.7%.