New Claim Request Search Functionality
To utilize the new search functionality, agents should log into the Agile portal and navigate to the Claim Request application from the Post Sales menu
Click the Search icon to open the search window
The search page should open and include several attributes that can be used to conduct a search of existing claims requests on the agent’s dashboard
The agent can search for claim requests on his/her dashboard by entering the following attributes:
Request Attributes
- Request Number – The request # that appears on the agent’s dashboard
- Claim Number – Appears on the agent’s dashboard upon acceptance of a claim request
- Request Status – Choices include: All, Pending, Accepted, Rejected, More Info
- Created – Start & End Date range for claim requests
- Service Team Member – The individual “AB Owner” assigned to the claim request
Order Attributes
- *Order Number – The order number included on the claim request
- *Job Name – The job name associated with the order selected by the agent
- *CI – The CI code on the order line selected by the agent
*Partial data entry is allowed for the Order number, Job Name, and CI fields
To initiate a search, enter one or more attributes
Click the Search button to be returned to the main dashboard
To clear a previously submitted search, click the Search icon on the main dashboard and then click the Clear and Search buttons on the Search page to be returned to the main dashboard
To save a search filter for future use, perform a search as described in the above steps. On the main dashboard, enter a name of the new search filter in the “Save to Filter” field and click the floppy disk icon to save
To retrieve a saved filter, select its’ name from “Current Filter” field on the main dashboard
To remove a filter or revert back to the default view on the main dashboard, click the red icon (shown below) or select “Default” from the Current Filter drop down list
To view the Help document for the Claim Request application, navigate to the Help menu
Thank you so much Cliff!! This helps a great deal!!
This is a great addition. Would it be possible to add the ability to search by original order # ? (ie. 286-8447A)
Thank you Trudie for your feedback. Currently, you do have the capability to search by the order number. Simply, enter a portion or the entire order number value in the Order Number field in the Order Attributes section of the search page. After clicking the search button, the results will include only those claims off your dashboard against the order number you entered.
It seems we’ve lost the ability to scroll through the pages on the dashboard. I’ve adjusted the zoom level but still can’t find the scroll buttons.
Thank you for your feedback. Your dashboard should default to the last 100 claims.
Best Regards,
Cliff Gordon