Project Container – New Submittal Person Dropdown and Multiple Project Managers Now Allowed
We have introduced functionality that allows you to denote who is responsible at your agency for completing submittals. The Submittal Person dropdown gives you an easy way to track overall project submittal assignments.
The Submittal Person column is also available to be added to layout customization for dashboard visibility, and can also be used to perform a project search and then to create a custom view.
We are also introducing the ability to list multiple project managers on one project. If multiple project managers are assigned, you will see “Multiple Selected” on the actual project.
On the dashboard if you have the Project Manager column displayed you will see the word “Multiple” if a project has more than one Project Manager. Hovering over this field will display a tooltip letting you know who is assigned.
This same capability also extends to Order Management – you can now also denote multiple project managers in the OM Project Manager field. If multiple project managers are listed on a project and the corresponding quote is converted to an order it will also bring in those assignments. You can also manually change the OM Project Manager if needed on the Header tab of the hold order or order.