
Enhancements to Request for Assistance for Post Installation Assistance

Post Installation Assistance is rolling out several enhancements to increase our level of service and provide additional visibility to requestors.

Updates to Post Installation Assistance types

These updates include:

  • Changing Startup to Onsite Startup
  • Changing Paid Techday to Onsite Training
  • Changing Service Plan Visit to Onsite Service Plan Visit
  • The addition of the following assistance types: Onsite Troubleshooting, Onsite Pre-Construction Visit, and Onsite Warranty Request

Hover your cursor over each assistance type to see additional details regarding details around each type.

For reference, here are explanations for the onsite requests:

  • Onsite Startup– This request will create a task for the regional scheduler to reach out to the onsite contact to coordinate a startup date, assign a Field Service Engineer, and for the Field Service Engineer to complete the visit.
  • Onsite Training– This request will create a task for the regional scheduler to reach out to the onsite contact to coordinate an Onsite Training, assign a Field Service Engineer, and for the Field Service Engineer to complete the visit.
  • Onsite Service Plan Visit– This request will create a task for the regional scheduler to reach out to the onsite contact to coordinate a Service Plan Visit, assign a Field Service Engineer, and for the Field Service Engineer to complete the visit.
  • Onsite Troubleshooting – This request will create a task for the regional scheduler to reach out to the onsite contact to coordinate a date for onsite troubleshooting, assign a Field Service Engineer, and for the Field Service Engineer to complete the visit.  This is a paid troubleshooting visit.
  • Onsite Pre-Construction Visit – This request will create a task for the regional scheduler to reach out to the onsite contact to coordinate a date for a pre-construction visit, assign a Field Service Engineer, and for the Field Service Engineer to complete the visit.
  • Onsite Warranty Request – This request will create a task for the regional scheduler to review the warranty request, coordinate an onsite visit as needed, assign a Field Service Engineer, and for the Field Service Engineer to complete the visit.

Clarification of When do you need this by as the date you would like the Field Service Engineer to start. This is the requested date for the Field Service Engineer to arrive on site and should reflect the Preferred Startup Date field in the Onsite Request Form. This will help clarify the preferred date for the scheduling team to coordinate a Field Service Engineer.

Elimination of the ECD field and addition of Scheduled Onsite Date and the Site Visit Completed Date fields.

To provide more clarity and visibility to the request, we’ve added two new fields: Scheduled Onsite Start Date and Site Visit Completed Date. Once the request is scheduled, the Scheduled Onsite Start date will be populated by the scheduling team. The Site Visit Completed Date will be filled in with the expected completion date and the RFA will be closed.


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