Agile Quotes Release Notes (07/14/22)
This morning we deployed a new version of Agile Quotes, This version includes the following updates:
Performance Tuning
- Updates to the Quotes Lines Grid to improve responsiveness when moving between fields. While all quotes should see some improvements, this will primarily affect large quotes (50+ EDT Lines)
Subtotal & Assembly Lines
As a result of the changes made for performance tuning, the Subtotal (SUB) and Assembly (ASMB) lines have had adjustments made to them.
- The “Ext $” field for Subtotals Lines and the “Unit $” and “Ext $” fields will be blanked out whenever a user updates any of the following fields:
- Qty
- Mfg
- Division
- Catalog #
- Unit $
- Comm %
- Ovg $
- These fields will be repopulated the next time a user does any of the following actions:
- Validates the line (either calling the Price Box or hitting the Enter key while on the line)
- Calls the Totals Dialog
- Uses the Revalidate button
- Saves the Quote