Agile Quotes Release Notes (9/15/22)

This morning we deployed a new version of Agile Quotes, This release included the following changes:

  • Suppressed Lines Alerts: Due to rules around visibility of non-ABL Lines for corporate users, Quote product lines without a MFG or DIV value are hidden from corporate view. When this happens for corporate/department Reps, it prevents the quote from being converted which requires ABL Tech to remove the affected line(s). In order to help prevent this scenario the following changes are being implemented:
    • Open/Convert: When an approver opens or attempts to convert a corporate/department rep quote that has suppressed line(s), they will be alerted of the affected line(s) in order to contact support for assistance:
    • Save: When an approver attempts to save a corporate/department rep quote after creating a scenario in which new suppressed line(s) would be added, they will be alerted of the affected line(s) in order to add the missing data:
  • Client ‘New Quote’ Dialog Fix: An issue that was causing the ‘New Quote’ dialog inside the Quote Client to time out has been addressed.
  • Backend Changes: Some miscellaneous backend changes were also included, which will not directly impact users.

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