New update for the Product Configurator. Saved default rep selector (10/5/23)

All Acuity agile corporate rep users now have the ability to save their updated primary rep in the Product Configurator. As a corporate rep user, the primary rep default is 999. When you access the Product Configurator you can change the 999 rep to whatever rep number you need and this will be saved for…

A New Way of Requesting Credit and Invoices

In an effort to improve our processes, we have reconstructed the Customer Financial Assistant (CFA) and the request form for credit memos and manual bills.  When visiting the CFA, you will notice a new option titled, Billing (Invoicing Issues).  Selecting this option, allows you to submit requests for Incorrect Billed Customer, PO Updates to Invoices,…

Improvements to agile Quotes to Increase Accuracy and Efficiency of New Line Entry as Well as Updated Logic Around Expired Modifications

We have made several enhancements to agile quotes to better assist with new line entry: 1.  Updated validation messaging to list out each validation failure for easier viewing. 2.  Prompt users to launch the Product Configurator if invalid nomenclature was entered. This will occur if that particular series is turned onto the Product Configurator. 3. Created…

Coming Monday April 19th……Order Releasing Rules Change!

Voice of the customer has indicated receiving multiple shipments to complete small orders is less than ideal. In an effort to improve fill rates, delivery quality, and reduce transactional costs, Acuity Brands will implement a change to the order releasing rules to auto populate a Produce and Ship Complete flag on orders that meet specific criteria. Please read this blog further for detailed info around this change.