Expedite Request: Entry Self-service

Our Customer Experience (CX) and Technology teams are committed to enhancing our processes and applications. Our core objectives include creating better user experiences, promoting operational productivty gains, and empowering our users via self-service capabilities.   We are excited to introduce our new Expedite Request Entry self-service capabilities. The following resources will be available in Acuity Academy by 8/12…

Agile OM – Multi-edit Commission for non-ABL lines (05/15/2024)

There is a new enhancement in Agile OM that will allow Agents to use multi-edit to modify the commissions for more than one line on non-ABL orders. To use the new multi-edit commission field, navigate to the lines tab, select the desired lines, select multi-edit, and input the new commission you wish to associate with…

Project Order Status Enhancement – EDT lines visibility (03/25/2024)

In the Project Order Status feature, users now have the option to hide specific EDT lines. You can either hide all EDT lines or only those related to Acuity (Acuity EDT lines). For example, if an order includes both ABL and non-ABL materials, toggling the EDT line view will conceal the ABL EDT lines, while…


Agile OM – Post Shipment Tab (03/07/2024)

View your claims, no-charge orders, and returns from within Agile Order Management Overview: Starting 03/07/2024, Agile OM’s update enables users to easily view all claims, no-charge orders, and returns for any order. Explore the new features below. Walk-through: **Please note: The data presented in this walk-through is simulated and sourced from our testing environment. It…


Order Status 3 – Decommissioned (01/24/2024)

For the past few months the Orders Domain team has been working hard to make updates to Agile Order Management (Agile OM) that would give users the ability to navigate through lists of orders with the ease of Order Status 3. These updates mainly included changes to our Dashboard and Search functionality. With these updates…


Project Order Status – Enhancements (10/08/2023)

Recently, we introduced the Project Order Status feature in its first iteration phase. Thanks to your valuable feedback, we’ve made significant improvements! One issue we addressed was a 401 error some users encountered during login. We implemented changes on 09/29 to fix this problem, and since then, no additional errors have been reported. Now, lets…


Project Order Status Deployment (09/18/2023)

Providing comprehensive order status to customers is an important aspect of project management.  While agile and ADC provide individual order status and agents can enable visibility of non-Acuity orders in ADC, there is not a way to present all lines on all orders related to a project in a single view….UNTIL NOW! This new functionality…


Agile OM Enhancements – RFWD, Design Select, and Audit Log (09/07/2023)

on 09/07, the following items were deployed into agile OM to assist both our Agents and internal parties. RFWD (Request for Warranty Deviation) Visibility on a line level: We’ve introduced RFWD visibility at the line level in Agile OM. To enable this, users should add the RFWD column to their layout. Once added, the RFWD…


Agency Enablement – Adding or Adjusting Not before dates on Order Headers

On 08/09/2023 the Orders Tech team deployed a change allowing Agents to adjust the Not Before Dates on their orders when all lines are in a NAC status. This means, if all lines are still in a NAC (not activated) state, Agents will be able to adjust the Not before date as needed without having…


Enhancements to OM including Package Optimization Settings and Shipment Status Sorting!

PACKAGE OPTIMIZATION SETTINGS: We are excited to bring to you some enhancements around package optimization that will allow you to better provide for your customers and their packaging needs! Quotes: In order to simplify selecting preferences for package optimization on a quote, an enhancement has been made in the Quotes application to make it easier…


Winona Order Changes

To better align with the freight terms for the Winona division Agile Order Management will now require Winona products to be ordered separately from ABL Core divisions. In addition to this change when quoting Winona these products will also be broken out into a separate Freight Terms section. These changes will take effect 10/06/2022 at…