Envision Enhancement Update!

To improve the usability and functionality of Envision, several enhancements are now available!

  • A more detailed Long Description now displays in the Description column of the Project Basket.


  • To the extent possible, Envision will now parse invalid catalog numbers from agile, which will allow the user to
    correct the catalog number in Envision based on the current configuration requirements. A message box will display the invalid part number along with which specific piece of the catalog number is invalid. The user can then launch to the Product Page from the Product Basket Line item for reconfiguration.


  • Outdoor Functional Poles that don’t pass the wind load requirements will be denoted with an icon picture as shown here.



Watch a short video about the Ship Level Replace Part Selection enhancement…
(Don’t see the video? Click here to view video in a new window.)


Watch a short video about the Type Ahead Searching and Configuring enhancement…
(Don’t see the video? Click here to view video in a new window.)

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