More OM Enhancements!

A new version of Order Management has been deployed to production. The major changes in this version include:

  • Ability to select non-ABL instructions on the hold order
  • Ability to select multiple contractors on new hold order creation

Ability to select non-ABL instruction on the hold order

To better facilitate the non-ABL order creation process the hold order instruction list has been expanded to include the non-ABL office and shipping note instructions. This will allow you to apply these instructions prior to place order for more accurate printing of the PO confirmation. These instructions will not be allowed on ABL orders and will automatically be removed during the place order process. 3_19_12_1


Ability to select multiple contractors on new hold order creation

When creating a new hold order from a project or quote you will now have the ability to select multiple contractors (Electrical and General) to carry over to the hold order’s contact tab in Order Management. This change will allow you greater flexibility in the transfer of your contacts from the project to the hold order and order. As a part of this change we also corrected an issue with the system not prompting you for the selection of contacts when creating a new hold order without a quote from the OM tab in Project Container.


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