More agile Quote Enhancements!
In addition to the Overage changes mentioned in yesterday’s blog, this week’s release of agile Quotes ( includes:
- Ease of use Improvements
- New Functionality
- Bug Fixes
- New quote “Job Name Search” Improvements: In order to make the “Job Name Search” when creating new Projects/Quotes easier to use we have added a filter to only show the last 12 months of Projects (checked by default) and changed the sort order to list the most recent matching projects first.
- Update Contacts: A new button has been added to the Quote Form that will take you directly to the Contacts Tab of Project Container.
- “Insert Multiple Lines” Option: A new line level option has been added to
- insert multiple blank lines into a quote at once.
- New Print keyboard shortcut: The shortcut “Alt+P” has been added to the Quote client to quick access the Print dialog.
- Window Size/Location Memory: The Quote client will now remember where the location of the last closed Quote and the size of the window open using the same values.
- Note Line Category: You can now specify a Fixture Type for Note lines. This will show on all Customer and Rep Copy of the Printouts.
- Group Header/Subtotal Printing: A new Print option has been added to include Group Header text in the next available Subtotal line.
Bug Fixes
- Ditto Functionality: Ditto should now once again work for Non-ABL Lines.