Additional Claim Status details provided in Claims Request
To view the claim status details from their dashboard, agents should log into the Agile portal and navigate to the Claim Request application from the Post Sales menu
From the main dashboard, a claim that includes status information and requires “action” from the agent will include a note icon next to the claim number
The agent can hover over the note to view the message or click the Request # hyperlink to open the claim request details page. Furthermore, because action is required from the agent, the status on the claim request changes to Accepted (Action Required). When the Request # hyperlink is selected, the Claim Request Detail page is opened
The agent will be able view comments directed to him/her requiring some type of action to be taken. The comment will appear in green for easier viewing. Since action is required, the agent should check the Clear Action Required flag to indicate that the message was received. Once selected, the Clear Action Required flag is removed and the value for the claim status field reverts back to Accepted
Once the Claim Request Detail page is closed, the note icon next to the Claim# is removed and the status field on the main dashboard reverts back to Accepted
Claim status updates from Post Sales can also include attachments that can be viewed from the dashboard. If action is required by the agent, a note icon will appear next to the Claim# and the Status field will be changed to Accepted (Action Required), as previously discussed. Once the Request# hyperlink is selected the Claim Request Detail page will display
Since action is required, the agent should check the Clear Action Required flag to indicate that the message was received. Once selected, the Clear Action Required flag is removed and the value for the claim status field reverts back to Accepted
Once the Claim Request Detail page is closed, the note icon next to the Claim# is removed and the status field on the main dashboard reverts back to Accepted
For claim status updates that do not require immediate action from the agent but serve as notifications, the note icon will not appear on the agent’s dashboard and the status of the claim will remain Accepted. The agent still has the option to click the Request # hyperlink to view the message or attachment
Since no immediate action is required from the agent, the Clear Action Required flag does not appear and the Claim Status remains Accepted
PLEASE NOTE: All status updates presented on the agent’s dashboard (whether requiring an action by the agent or serving as a notification of the claim status) will be accompanied with an email to the agent
To consolidate claim requests on the dashboard with statuses that require action by the agent, the Search page should be launched and the Accepted (Action Required) status selected
Lastly, to view the Help document for the Claim Request application, navigate to the Help menu