
Cursing and Acuity Emails

Have you ever had a day where you felt the need to express yourself with a passion that would make a sailor blush? It may be descriptive, but it won’t make it through to Acuity with our email filter settings.

We use filter logic that scans for choice words and, if contained, the filter will block the emails from getting to your intended recipient.  This would also include an email containing a fan company with an unfortunate name!

If you feel that the word is needed, you can remove some of the letters, replace them with symbols and have your email turned into a fun game… “guess what I am saying”.

However, please remember that while cursing may not offend you, others may not feel or react the same.

Additionally, emails tend to be backed up and stored away, so anything you do say can and probably will be seen for many years and by many people.


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  1. What we have noticed is that there is not a reply from the system saying that the email has violated protocol and did not reach the intended recipient. This in itself would cause additional profanity. This has caused an issue with a job because the email was believed to have been sent. We have a distributor that uses a cursing filter and you do get an email back. This would be helpful.

    Also, you talking about Big A$$ Fans??? 😉

  2. Frank,
    Thanks for the feedback. We are looking at ways to provide you with a bounce-back message when an email is not delivered. I will let you know when we have that in place (so we can test it out)!
    Yes, I would say that is an unfortunate name.

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