Continued Integration of Mark Lighting product on ABL orders
Effective Monday, July 25th we will expand Mark Lighting product placed on ABL orders to the Slot Pendant, Surface and Wall which includes the following series: S2LD, S2LI, S2LID, S2LS, S2LWD, S2LWI, S2LWID, S4LD, S4LI, S4LID, S4LS, S4LWD, S4LWI, S4LWID.
Expect to see the next update in mid-August, at which time we will allow all remaining Mark families to be placed on ABL orders.
Please contact your PM with any issues or questions during this implementation.
Hello, this is causing great confusion because it looks like our SLOT orders are duplicated when viewed through the ADC. We have to keep Mark as non ABL for all other Mark fixtures and orders so that our Distributors can view Order Status.
Thank you for your comment. We have forwarded your concern to the Mark Integration team for their review.