Agile Quotes: Subtotal and Assembly Line Changes
With the July 14th Agile Quotes release, we will be changing how Subtotal (SUB) & Assembly (ASMB) lines behave. The changes are tied to grid performance tuning improvements that will be included in the 7/14 update.
Starting on the 14th, when you update any of the following fields the “Ext DSP” field for all Subtotal lines on the quote will blank out:
- Quantity
- Manufacturer
- Division
- Catalog #
- Unit DSP
- Commission %
- Overage $
The Subtotal Extended DPS field will repopulate the next time you perform any of the following actions:
- Validate the line by
- Calling the Price Box
- Pressing enter in the Catalog # or Unit DSP fields
- Open the Totals dialog
- Click the Revalidate button
- Save the Quote
The same behavior will happen for Assembly Lines, except it will also clear out the Unit DSP field until the above actions are taken.
Mini-Totals, the section in the top right hand side of the screen, and the Lines Grid Total are not affected by this and will continue to update as they do today.