
New Tool in OM to Launch Non-ABL Manufacturer Website (10/31/2023)

To accommodate Non-ABL manufacturers who have websites that allow you to check status, submit return requests etc, we have added a new tool in Agile Order Management to allow you to launch a Non-ABL Manufacturer website or “portal link”.

This requires a one-time set up on the Non-ABL Manufacturer record in Contact Management. To do this, navigate to Contact Management and open the Non-ABL Manufacturer record.

  1. Click on the PHONE/INTERNET Tab.
  3. Select PORTAL LINK as the category
  4. Enter the URL of the status website
  5. Check the PRIMARY VALUE checkbox
  6. Click the GREEN CHECK MARK
  7. Click SAVE & CLOSE

In Order Management when you are viewing an order for the Non-ABL Manufacturer, you will see a new tool labeled MFG Portal Link. The tool will be underlined and clickable if you have set up a “portal link” for that manufacturer. Simply click the link to launch the website.

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