
Pick the Start Date for Non ABL Order Status Visibility (2/13/25)

Sharing non-ABL order visibility in ADC enables customers to self-service for updates and tracking information. The ability to add a start date for non-ABL order visibility will alleviate agency concerns about historical orders that may have been entered with exposed overage. If an agent enters overage or commission on a REG line category, this will…


ADC Out of Territory Orders Now Allowed if $1K or Less (12/10/2024)

Distributors can now place ADC Product Search orders that are shipping out of their agent’s territory as long as the amount of the order is $1,000 or less. Orders larger than $1,000 are still not allowed and will require the distributor contact their agent for placement. This change will reduce the frequency of distributors having…


ADC Product Search Clarification on How to Order Design Select Regional Products (11/7/2024)

Distributors are often confused about how to place orders for Design Select Regional products that are produced at the Regional Manufacturing Centers (RMC). According to Acuity policy, any orders for products that are to be produced at the RMC must be entered by the agent in Agile Order Management and cannot be placed by Distributors…

12/9/24 Pricing Increase: Future Pricing Now Visible in ADC (11/5/2024)

As of Tuesday, November 5th, the ability to print future pricing has been turned on in Acuity Distributor Center (ADC) to support the upcoming price increase on December 9th. This feature will be available until the new pricing effective date. After that date, you will see the updated pricing as the current price. After logging…


Send Agile Quick Quotes to your Customers from Product Search (10/3/2024)

As a reminder, Product Search users with the Agency Quick Quote role can create Agile Quotes and email them directly to customers from within the Product Search application. Simply create a basket of products by adding them to a cart, then click the Quote button, select your email attributes and click Submit.  An Agile Quick…


ADC Orders Now Display Name/Email in Agile OM (8/22/24)

Have you ever needed to contact the person who entered an order via ADC Product Search but had trouble interpreting their user id? Now, it is required that the distributor enter their name and email with each ADC order. To make it easy for the distributor, ADC will remember the user’s last entry and auto…


New Contractor Select Tab in Product Search (8/19/24)

A new tab has been added to Product Search to make it easy to find all the Contractor Select products and check pricing and availability. If you would like to export this list, you can click on the ellipsis menu in the upper right and select, “Export Current View”. This visibility helps reinforce the Contractor…


Product Search In Transit Accuracy Improvements (6/12/24)

With the latest deployment of Product Search, the in transit values have been updated to remove any quantities already committed to orders. Additionally, the field has been renamed to Net In Transit to better describe the values that are displayed. This change will greatly improve the accuracy of the data and strengthen the confidence agents…


ADC Enhancement, Product Classification Icons Now Visible in the Cart (3/7/24)

Distributors will now be able to see the product classification icons for all of the items in their ADC / Product Search cart. These icons are the same icons that are displayed in the Product Search results dashboard and will help with quickly identifying which products are part of an Acuity Brands program, such as…

RFA Updated with Atrius Locator, Wayfinder and IOTA Connected STAR Gateway (2/29/2024)

Atrius Locator, Atrius Wayfinder and IOTA’s ISCG Connected STAR Gateway are now clearly defined product choices under the Internet of Things RFA product category. Whether requesting a Design, BOM (with layout), Submittal or Post Installation RFA, the new Internet of Things product options will help clarify the request. This enhancement will reduce the RFA entry…

More Ways for Distributors to Electronically Connect, Order Status API (2/14/2024)

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) represent the newest, cutting-edge technology for electronic connectivity and allows distributors to connect directly to our systems from their systems, thus eliminating the need for their users to login to ADC or make a phone call to you to get this data. Acuity’s suite of external APIs, which currently includes an…

ADC is Now More Secure and Has a New Default Landing Page (11/20/23)

Another step along our journey to having a modern, secure platform is the changeover of ADC from the HTTP protocol to HTTPS.  HTTPS enhances ADC’s security by ensuring that all data transmissions are fully encrypted. In the coming weeks, a final security validation will be performed to certify ADC is fully and completely operational using…

ADC Order Status Date Range Increased to 180 Days (11/16/23)

The default date range for displaying order status in ADC has been increased from 90 days to 180 days. This change was made to improve the customer experience by minimizing the number of clicks required to find older orders. Now, if the order was entered in the last 6 months, it can easily be found…

Direct Connectivity to Acuity Inventory Now Available with Epicor Eclipse 23.1 (8/1/23)

What does this mean for distributors?  Acuity offers an Application Programming Interface (API) that allows customer systems to connect directly to Acuity systems for product availability. With the latest release of Epicor’s Eclipse 23.1, a leading distribution ERP system, distributors can easily set up access to our API with just a few configuration keystrokes, thus…

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ADC Quote Convert Enhancements (6/28/23)

One of the popular features of ADC is the ability for your distributor to request a quote and the ability for an agent to send the distributor a Quick Quote from Agile that they can then convert to an order via ADC’s Product Search.  We have recently made some enhancements to improve this feature: To…


RMC series drop down is now available in both Agile and ADC Product Search.

In Product Search, you will find the RMC drop on the main page.  It will display all series produced at an agent’s assigned distribution centers.  Making a selection from the drop down will launch the RMC application.  From there, select your desired product options to get an estimated ship date and price points. 


Agile and ADC Product Search Enhancements

The product long description is now available on the product search results grid.  If the text exceeds the space provided hover your mouse over the long description field and a tool tip will display the complete description.  The long description is also searchable in the Filter Criteria field. We have added a tool tip to…

Request for Warranty Deviation (RFWD) – Application update

With the goal of improving overall response time on RFWD requests, several changes have been made to the RFWD form. We have expanded the Key Questions to include additional required fields. This information is critical to our ability to process your RFWD request. Having complete information at the time the request is submitted reduces the…


On Monday, October 2nd RFA will be expanded to include Photometric Layout requests for all Acuity brands.

Photometric Layout request type should be used when requesting a Point by Point calculation. All Lighting Design requests previously submitted via email to lightingdesign@acuitybrands.com will now need to be submitted through the RFA tool. Please be mindful of the following when submitting your Photometric Layout requests to minimize delays: Projects with multiple locations will require a…

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New Copy Functionality in RFD as well as RFD Lead Time Visibility in Quotes.

You will now see a Copy icon in the Request Information section of the RFD.  This feature will help you more quickly submit similar RFD requests to Acuity. Rather than completing each request form separately and submitting each request one at a time, the new Copy feature allows you to quickly copy information from one…


Coming soon! Request for Assistance to be expanded to include the following brands: Lithonia Linear, Winona, Mark, Peerless, Healthcare, and Hydrel.

Request for Assistance, request type of Submittal, will be expanded to include the following brands: Lithonia Linear, Winona, Mark, Peerless, Healthcare, and Hydrel (for Hydrel only RFDs) .  Use the links below to join us for a brief training.  Select one of the times listed for your zone that best fits your schedule.  Each zone…


New Round of agile – Request for Assistance Enhancements!

These enhancements include: Service Lines have now been combined with the BOM/Schedule, Recent & Favorites, the ability to save a View, new field on the RFA header of approved submittal requests called “Drawing Submittal Status”, Reloc is now under its own brand in the product selector, and we now include a link to the request when an email is initiated using the Email icon.


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Doing Business with Juno Just Got Easier!

We are pleased to announce several new Agile enhancements that will make doing business with Juno much easier: Visibility of Juno distributor stock quotes, Juno inventory in Agile Product Search, System generated hyperlinks from Agile OM to Juno eCommerce order, and Enhanced Auto-complete nomenclature.  New training video now available!

Doing Business with Juno Just Got Easier – UPDATE on Order Entry Process!

Many of you have noticed that the order number link to the Juno website is sometimes populated before you email a copy of the Manufacturer Purchase Order to the Autofax-cs@junolightinggroup email address.  Please be aware that you MUST CONTINUE TO SEND THE EMAIL of the Manufacturer Purchase Order and copy of PO to Juno as…

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New Fields in agile for ESCO (Energy Service Companies) and LMC (Lighting Management Companies)

A drop down menu for selection of important partners in the unplanned Renovation market will be added to agile on September 6th. ESCO’s (Energy Service Companies) and LMC’s (Lighting Management Companies) are critical customers for our distributors to be successful in the Renovation market, and by enhancing the drop down menus with a pre-populated list…

Project Container Now Has Customizable Phases!

You now have the ability to add your own custom project phases to the project container. Once your project container admin has added the new phases they will then show up in the phase drop down of the project container for selection.  These custom phases will be an addition to the existing phases that are already in agile.  The existing 11 phases cannot be edited or inactivated.

Request for Assistance – Agents Can Now Share the “Additional Information” Note with Request for Assistance Approvers!

By default the Additional Information note is not shared with Acuity.  To share all text in the Additional Information section of the notes tab click into the form to launch the text editor, input your text, then check the share with Acuity box.  Once you have shared your note the title will indicate this by displaying Shared with Acuity.  At this time the ability to share the Additional Information note is only available in Request for Assistance.

Request for Assistance Mobile!

Request for Assistance is now available on your mobile device!  From your device just launch your browser and go to http://rfa.flywheelsites.com/dashboard.  Then login with your credentials.  A brief user guide on mobile can be located under the help tab of agile or by clicking here http://helpshared.flywheelsites.com/HelpLibrary/AgileRFA/agile%20Request%20For%20Assistance%20Mobile%20User%20Guide.pdf


Request for Assistance – Paid Techday Requests

You can now request paid techdays for Controls products on your project’s orders through the Request for Assistance application!  This option is available for new requests and is located under the Post-Installation dropdown in the Request wizard. Paid techday advises your PM that you need a troubleshooting visit scheduled by the date you list on the request.  The…


Request for Assistance – Advanced Search, Save As New, and Other Enhancements

Advanced Search Introducing Advanced Search!  This can be accessed via the dropdown next to the Search button. Once selected, you will then be taken to a screen where you can set up custom filters and date ranges.  After you select a filter, you can then use the “Next” and “Back” buttons to select additional filters,…

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Request for Assistance – Post-Installation Services

You can now request post-installation services on your project’s orders through the Request for Assistance application!  This option is available for new requests.  You will find both Startup Scheduling and Graphical Interface options under the Post-Installation dropdown in the Request wizard. Startup scheduling advises your PM that you need a startup scheduled on the date…

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Request for Assistance – Submittal Preprogramming

You can now request factory preprogramming for the LC&D components on your project through the Request for Assistance application!  This option is available for new submittal requests, or revisions of existing submittals.  You will find the Preprogramming option under the Submittal dropdown in the Request wizard. Please note that just like on other submittal requests…


Introducing Request for Assistance

The Request for Assistance application is designed to provide you an easy way to obtain assistance from the Acuity Solutions team.  You can currently select from design, BOM, and submittal requests for Controls products, but we are planning on expanding this to encompass other types of assistance and product lines in the future. To get…

Exciting Enhancements to Schedule Builder!

Today we are pleased to introduce a number of enhancements to agile Schedule Builder. Manual Line Reordering Users are now able to manually reorganize and reorder lines on their schedules.  This eliminates the previous built-in custom ordering that sorted ascending by Type (A, A1, B, C, etc.).  To use this functionality, simply drag a line…

New Audit Tool!

Need a tool to help you get those renovation audits done quicker and more efficiently?  Want something that can be used on both a tablet and a desktop?  Well, we have the tool for you!  Introducing the new Audit Tool… What is the Audit Tool, you ask?  The Audit Tool provides the ability to conduct…

Enhanced Agency Administration

We are pleased to announce an enhanced Agency Administration application that provides better user management and improved visibility. New functionality includes the ability to:

  • copy applications and roles when creating a new user!
  • inactivate employees in one step
  • see all users and roles for a specific application
  • assign applications and roles from one screen

Stay tuned for training webcasts to be announced this week and next week.

Document Upload Changes are Here to Save you Time!

A new version of agile Documents is now available in Project Container and throughout agile where documents can be uploaded.

  • Struggling with sending large documents to your partners? PROBLEM SOLVED! No need to use FTP sites or YouSendIt.com any longer. You now have the ability to quickly email a link to your customers. They don’t need agile to download the documents!
  • You now have the ability to quickly expand all of the application and document categories with one click to easily find the document you are looking for
  • We removed the annoying “Do you have any additional documents to upload” message

Today’s Enhancements: Project Container

The enhancements just keep on coming! Today’s enhancement….Project Container. Check it out.

  • Recent and Favorites now in Project Container!
  • You can now send Follow Up Notes immediately from Project Container. Look for this functionality to be available for Orders, Quotes, Payments, Invoices, and RFD soon.
  • A new My Projects view has been created just for you!
  • Duplicate project check during Save As New
  • New field to enter the National Account Store #

More Bid Board and Project Container enhancements to improve the agile experience!

We have made some enhancements to Bid Board and Project Container that will improve your agile experience! These enhancements include:

  • A Today icon has been added to the Bid Board to easily locate today’s bids
  • Added Next (and Last) 7, 14, 30 and 60 days to Bid Board and Project Container bid date searches
  • Added a Next 60 days view to the grid view in Bid Board
  • The Quote Print History icon is now displayed in Bid Board grid view
  • Added Additional Quote Person field to Project Container
  • Improved Bid Board Performance

More agile Bid Board Enhancements!

You asked for it, and we delivered! Check out the new enhancements to Bid Board that you requested!

  • Print History: A new icon will display on calendar views when a quote has print history
  • Colored Grid View: The Grid View now includes color options
  • Color by Priority: We have added the ability apply color by priority
  • Layout Manager: Implemented Layout Manger for Bid Board
  • Ability to Search/Open Projects with no bid date: The previous version of Bid Board would not allow you to open or search projects that did not include a bid date. You can now open or search for projects with no bid date from the bid board

Another round of agile Project Container and Spec Registration Enhancements!

More enhancements have been added to further improve your Project Container and Spec Registration experience.

  • Added a new link to find an ABL Rep:   We added a link to look up an ABL Rep to the Agent Selection dialog located in the Specification Registration section.
  • Automatic Subscriptions: A subscription will now automatically be assigned when the Spec Rep and commission splits are assigned on a project.
  • Disabled the Out of Territory Project Status:  To prevent misuse of this status, we are disabling it so that it can only be set by the system.
  • Spec Rep can now add Quotes after a project is accepted: We now allow quote entry on the original spec project.
  • Re-named Territory Rep Field:  In an attempt to eliminate confusion, the Territory Rep field is now labeled Territory/Order Rep.
  • Alerts icon:  An Alerts icon has been added to the Project Container toolbar indicating that a project has been registered for specification credit and action is needed

agile Project Container and Spec Registration Enhancements!

Check out these new enhancements to Project Container and Spec Registration:

  • Territory rep has ability to create manual subscriptions: For those scenarios where a Territory Rep needs to grant spec credit on a project that did not go through the spec registration process, new functionality now allows the Territory Rep to also create a manual subscription for the Spec Rep. This limited view subscription gives the Spec Rep the same access as when a project has been registered using the spec registration process.
  • Spec Rep can now add Contacts after a project is registered: On those occasions where a Spec Rep needs to add contacts to a project that has already been registered for specification credit, we now allow edits on the original spec project.
  • Added a new Toolbar to Project Container: We added a new Toolbar to Project Container to be consistent with other agile applications. The Print and Save As New buttons have been moved to the new toolbar

agile Project Container Major Changes!

In preparation for the elimination of STAR, we have incorporated the functionality for registering specifications into Project Container! The new process will introduce project sharing which will simplify the process for registering specifications and significantly improve tracking to ensure compensation. More details on the changes will be provided in the coming months. We anticipate introducing full functionality summer 2012.

Project Container: Quick Tips and Tricks Video Series

First we brought you time saving tips and tricks for Order Management, then Quote, and now we bring you the Project Container Quick Tips and Tricks Video Series!  This series totals over 14 minutes of watchable content.  The series is broken down into six videos as follows

  • Dashboard Basics (2:58)
  • Dashboard Shortcuts (1:44)
  • Master Project, Job Alias, and Save as New (2:30)
  • Phases, Statuses, and Priorities (1:55)
  • Contacts, Notes, and Documents Tabs (2:41)
  • Bid Board (2:29)
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Following Through with Follow-Ups

agile is equipped to assist you with an important step of the sales process, the follow-up. Whether the follow-up is on a bid, confirming specifications, customer inquiry, or any other type of follow-up, agile can incorporate this critical step. Watch the following short 7 minute video for a quick introduction and walkthrough of the follow-up…

Check it out….More Project Container Enhancements…

We are on a roll making enhancements to agile!  Check out these new features in Project Container:

  • Assignment of more than one Follow-Up Salesperson: You now have the ability to assign more than one salesperson as the follow-up salesperson on a project.
  • Project Container Read Only Role:  Do you have people in your agency who just need visibility of jobs?  There is now a new role called Project Container – Read Only that can be assigned to users who only need the ability to view Project Container information with no editing capability.
  • Job Alias Visibility:  You can now hover the cursor over the job name field on the dashboard to quickly view the job aliases assigned to a Project Container. This will also help clarify search results when projects with job aliases are returned.
  • Project Search Change: We addressed your request to display your selections in the various search boxes versus displaying ‘Select One’.  You will now see your selection displayed in the box and if there are multiple selections, you will see ‘multiple’ displayed in the box.

Stay tuned for more enhancements coming soon!

Project Container Dashboard Enhancements!

Rolling right along with the recent enhancements to the Order Management dashboard, the Project Container dashboard has also been enhanced. Similar to the enhancements on the OM dashboard, the PC dashboard allows you to access important project information without having to open the project.

These streamlining enhancements include the ability to …