
Register for Agile Webinars Today (12/18/24)

Ensure you reserve your spot and don’t miss out on these valuable learning opportunities!   NOTE: Please note that some of the webinars listed above have been offered in previous quarters. If you have already attended these webinars, the content will be repeated. Keep this in mind when registering. To register, click HERE to navigate to…


Register for Agile Webinars Today (12/18/24)

Ensure you reserve your spot and don’t miss out on these valuable learning opportunities!   NOTE: Please note that some of the webinars listed above have been offered in previous quarters. If you have already attended these webinars, the content will be repeated. Keep this in mind when registering. To register, click HERE to navigate to…

Agile OM – Multi-edit Commission for non-ABL lines (05/15/2024)

There is a new enhancement in Agile OM that will allow Agents to use multi-edit to modify the commissions for more than one line on non-ABL orders. To use the new multi-edit commission field, navigate to the lines tab, select the desired lines, select multi-edit, and input the new commission you wish to associate with…


Non-ABL Manufacturer PO Updates in OM (4/18/2024)

Updates have been made to the Non-ABL Manufacturer PO to better reflect overage and overage commission due.  Preferences have also been added to set a default for including the agency split section and the overage section on the manufacturer purchase order.  Preferences are set by clicking on Options/Preferences on the OM dashboard and selecting Preferences. …


Running Total Added to Inventory Cleanup Returns (3/28/2024)

A running total has been added to the Inventory Cleanup return type to help you keep track of the total value of the return as it is being entered. As lines are added, the total will be updated. Inventory Cleanups can be created by navigating to the Returns Application, clicking on Enter Return and selecting…


Registration for New Agile Webinars Now Open (3/27/2024)

Ensure you reserve your spot and don’t miss out on these valuable learning opportunities!   To register, click HERE to navigate to Acuity Academy.  To register for your desired webinar, simply utilize the search bar located at the top of our homepage. This convenient tool will help you find the webinar you’re looking for with ease. …

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Design Select: Configuring Your Quote and Order Layouts for Visibility of Program Items (2/16/2024)

To see which quote or order line items are included in the Design Select program, you must manage your layout in Agile Order Management and Agile Quotes. Configuring Your Layout This update should be made within an existing quote or order, not from the dashboard. Navigate to the Lines tab in an existing Agile order…

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ATTN: Users of the Outlook Email Add-In  (1/22/2024)

A new version of the Outlook Email Add-In will be installed on Monday, January 22.
If you log out of your machine, this install should run automatically when you login on Monday and open Outlook. If the install does not run automatically, close Outlook and reopen it to be promoted to run the install.


Register for Agile Webinars Today (12/11/2023)

Enrollment is now open on Acuity Academy, and we have some fantastic webinars starting in January 2024. Be sure to reserve your spot and don’t miss out on these valuable learning opportunities!   To register, click HERE to navigate to Acuity Academy.  To register for your desired webinar, simply utilize the search bar located at the…

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Registration Now Open Register for Agile Training (10/19/2023)

Enrollment is now open on Acuity Academy, and we have some fantastic courses starting soon. Ensure you reserve your spot and don’t miss out on these valuable learning opportunities!   To register, click HERE to navigate to Acuity Academy. Agents, if you need assistance with you log in, please see blog posted on 10/13/23. Corporate users, click…


Coming Soon…Agile Training Webinars! (10/13/2023)

We are thrilled to announce an upcoming series of Agile webinars for a variety of topics and dates.  Registration for enrollment will open next week on Acuity Academy.   In preparation for registration, you will need to set up an account on Acuity Academy if you do not already have one.  To register, click here to…


OM Enhancements for Non-ABL Orders (10/6/2023)

“SOLD TO” ENHANCEMENT A new enhancement enables selection of Non-Distributor company types as the Sold To customer on a Hold Order and Non-ABL Order as long as the company is set up in Contact Management. To enable this functionality, you must first set a preference. This is done on the OM dashboard by selecting Options/Preferences….


Agile OM Enhancements – RFWD, Design Select, and Audit Log (09/07/2023)

on 09/07, the following items were deployed into agile OM to assist both our Agents and internal parties. RFWD (Request for Warranty Deviation) Visibility on a line level: We’ve introduced RFWD visibility at the line level in Agile OM. To enable this, users should add the RFWD column to their layout. Once added, the RFWD…


Agency Enablement – Adding or Adjusting Not before dates on Order Headers

On 08/09/2023 the Orders Tech team deployed a change allowing Agents to adjust the Not Before Dates on their orders when all lines are in a NAC status. This means, if all lines are still in a NAC (not activated) state, Agents will be able to adjust the Not before date as needed without having…

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New Document Upload Website…no longer dependent on ActiveX Controls/agile Webtools

We are excited to report that the document upload functionality which uses the ActiveX controls aka agile webtools has been replaced with a new website implementation.   The document upload was replaced due to outdated technology and possible disruptions from time to time due to Microsoft patches.    Switching to a website to perform the document uploads…

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ADC Quote Convert Enhancements (6/28/23)

One of the popular features of ADC is the ability for your distributor to request a quote and the ability for an agent to send the distributor a Quick Quote from Agile that they can then convert to an order via ADC’s Product Search.  We have recently made some enhancements to improve this feature: To…


New Webpage for Financial Requests and Questions

On February 13th, 2023 we are launching a new home for all your financial accounting requests and questions. If you use a bookmarked or saved the URL to the old Customer Financial Assistance (CFA) tool, as of February 13th, you will be automatically redirected to the new webpage. If you wish to bookmark the new…


Now Live!  Improvements to the Stock Swap Program and Tools 

We are now live with the enhancements to the Stock Swap program (aka Contract Based Inventory Adjustment) and the Returns Tool for this return type. These enhancements will improve the customer experience and increase productivity by expediting the entry and approval process through: Streamlined Entry by CI-Code or Catalog #   Dedicated fields for the required…


Improvements to the Stock Swap Program and Tools 

We are excited to announce enhancements coming Thursday, September 8, 2022, to the Stock Swap program (aka Contract Based Inventory Adjustment) and the Returns Tool for this return type. These enhancements will improve the customer experience and increase productivity by expediting the entry and approval process.    Updated Stock Swap Program:  As a reminder, the ABL…


Agile Quotes Release Notes (4/13/2022)

With the 4/13/2022 release of agile Quotes the following items have been addressed/updated: The Non-ABL commission calculation has been updated to handle rounding and recalculation consistent with Order Management Addressed an issue with how Overage (CIP and Non-ABL) interacts with Freight Minimums on quote printouts Addressed an issue where the “Manufacturer Quote Request” would occasionally fail to generate


Agile Quotes Release – A new way to manage Good Thru Date on Holophane Quote Printouts

With the March 31st deployment of Agile Quotes, we have updated how “Good Through” dates are managed for Holophane Quote Printouts. In previous versions of the application, the “Good Through” date was specified in the Terms section and was listed as “30 calendar days” from the issue date of the quote. “Good Through” dates are…


Agile Quotes Release ABL Auto Complete Catalog Number rollback and Percent Based Spread

With the March 31st deployment of Agile Quotes (client version we have rolled back the “ABL Auto Complete Catalog #” and related preferences to their pre-March 20th state while we work to improve the new version and address the concerns that were brought up with it. We apologize for any inconvenience caused. In addition…


Welcome to the new Acuity agile homepage! The new agile homepage is live today! The homepage URL is: http://agile.acuitybrandslighting.net/ Please update your previously saved bookmark! Old bookmarks may not work if the bookmark had extra characters at the end of the URL. http://agile.acuitybrandslighting.net  The new agile home utilize the latest software technology and security login process! …

New Admin Tool! (For Agency Admin users only) Training Recording & User Guide

A new admin tool will be deployed on JULY 26th with the new agile Home. (NOTE: the new admin tool is compatible with IE 11 and Edge (in compatibility mode). On JULY 26th –you can access the new admin tool via the new agile Home by going to Administration and selecting Agency Administration in the hamburger menu. (These are the same…


New agile Home – NEW Go Live Monday 7/26/21!

We have extended our go live date to Monday 7/26/21! We want to ensure everyone has had the opportunity to test out logging in! A new agile Home will be deployed on JULY 26th that will utilize the latest software technology and security login process!  With the launch of the new agile Home, you will login to agile with your Outlook email address. (NOTE: the new agile Home is compatible with IE 11 and…

New Admin Tool! (For Agency Admin users only) Training Dates Scheduled

A new admin tool will be deployed on JULY 21st with the new agile Home. (NOTE: the new admin toolis compatible with IE 11 and Edge (in compatibility mode). On JULY 21st –you can access the new admin tool via the new agile Home by going to Administration and selecting Agency Administration in the hamburger menu. (These are the same steps…


Product Update Notice – Synergy to nLight®

Product Update Notice – Synergy to nLight To drive consistency of product branding, we have updated our spec sheets and ordering nomenclature for the following select Synergy accessories: nSYA IR PARTITION – Infrared partition sensor Equivalent to the “SYA IR PARTITION” nPARTITION KIT – Partition kit composed of nIO 1S, PS150, nSYA IR PARTITION This…

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How to Print Future Pricing in ADC

We have added the ability to print future pricing in Acuity Distributor Center (ADC) to support the upcoming price increase. This feature is available until the new pricing effective date. After that date, you will see updated pricing as the current price. After logging into ADC, click on the “My Catalog” tab and the “Create Product…

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NEW Daily Summaries for Late Order Lines and Date Changes!

We are pleased to announce the NEW DAILY SUMMARIES to help you manage your orders! There are two daily summary reports that will assist you with keeping up with orders that may require your attention and are meant to replace the report under the Reports tab titled Orders Past Ship Promise . The best part…

nLight Lighting Controls

New default options for nCM, nPS80 EZ, and nPP16

New variants have been introduced for select product families to expand orderable out-of-box default options. These expansions impact the following products: nCM Family – Introduced defaults for “Occupancy Timeout”. Available options include 15, 20 and 30 minutes. 10 minutes remains the current sensor default if no “time delay” option is selected. Note: defaults will only…