Check out these new agile Enhancements…
A new release of agile is now in production with enhancements to Project Container, Submittal Generator and Contact Management.
A new field has been added to the Project Container called MASTER PROJECT. This field can be used to tie multiple projects together by a common higher level project name. The Master Project field is a searchable field so you can create a search filter to view all related jobs. The Master Project field dropdown box will self populate alphabetically for future selection as you enter new master project names.
Here is an example of how this might be used:
Let’s say you are working on several projects at the University of Georgia. Each project needs its’ own Project Container since each is quoted separately. In this scenario, you may have a Project Container for the UGA Student Center and another for the UGA Sports Arena. You can tie these two projects together by using a common master project, in this case, the University of Georgia.
Now you can create a search for the master project “University of Georgia”. The search results will include all of the projects that you associated to the master project, University of Georgia.
We heard your feedback and have added a new phase in the project container called “Submitted for Priors”. This is to accommodate the situation where you must submit a bill of material for approval prior to bidding. In order to create a submittal package, you must create a quote but when you save the submittal package, you will be given an option to set the project phase to “submitted for priors” with a status of open. The project /quote report will identify the quotes in this phase and status. Once the approvals are received and you are ready to officially bid the job, you should manually update the status in the project container to “Bid”.
Three new company types have been added to the General Company category: Department of Transportation, Industrial and Municipality. Please note that you can change a company type from one category to another as long as it was created as a general company.
Check the blog for more enhancements coming soon!