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New ABL Construction Categories for Data Centers, Healthcare and More (9/23/24) 

To align with Acuity’s strategy and enhance clarity around construction categories, we have expanded the vertical hierarchy to include the below options. All relevant locations in agile (Project Container, Quotes, and Order Management) where ABL Construction can be set have been updated accordingly. Additional adjustments will be made later this year, with a follow-up announcement…


Quote Standard Instructions and ADC Orders (8/13/24)  

In agile Quote, when approving a customer’s Acuity Distributor Center (ADC) quote for converting to an order, please be aware that only Instruction 37 (Lump Sum) will appear on the ADC order.  All other Standard Instructions will not carry over to the ADC order.  Adding Standard Instructions that do not carry over to ADC orders…


Alert Customers When Their ADC Quote Is Ready to Order Using Quote’s New Emailing Option (8/13/24)

A new option is available in agile Quote that allows users to send an email notification to customers when their quote is ready to convert to an order in Acuity Distributor Center (ADC). From the ADC tab in Quote, when you click the Approved for Convert checkbox, a new dropdown menu will appear. From here,…

Design Select Stock Product Change in Quote, Stock Pricing Tool, and ScratchPad (7/17/24)

To be consistent with other agile applications, such as Order Management, the Program field in Quote, Stock Pricing Tool, and ScratchPad will now show stock products as “Design Select” if they are part of that program. Please note, while the Program field is part of the “Quote Standard” and “Quick Quote Standard” Layouts, it will…

Design Select Stock Product Change in Quote and Stock Pricing Tool (7/17/24)

To be consistent with other agile applications, such as Order Management, the Program field in Quote & Stock Pricing Tool will now show stock products as “Design Select” if they are part of that program. Please note, while the Program field is part of the “Quote Standard” and “Quick Quote Standard” Layouts, it will need…

Negotiated Limit Fixes Now Live in Agile Quote (7/16/24) 

New fixes have been published for Negotiated Limit in Agile Quote.  Prior to these fixes, when a Quote user would make changes to Catalog Number or Quantity on a Holophane line with a Negotiated Limit, the Negotiated Limit’s value would remain unchanged.  This creates a challenge because when Negotiated Limit carries over to different products…

New Mfg Lead Time Quote Print Option for ABL Lines (4/3/24)

To make compiling supporting information about quote lines even easier, Mfg Lead Time is now an available print option for ABL lines for both PDF and Excel Quote Printout Formats (including the Items Only Excel)! A future release will expand this to Non-ABL Lines. Due to the nature of this data, Mfg Lead Time(s) must…

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Design Select: Configuring Your Quote and Order Layouts for Visibility of Program Items (2/16/2024)

To see which quote or order line items are included in the Design Select program, you must manage your layout in Agile Order Management and Agile Quotes. Configuring Your Layout This update should be made within an existing quote or order, not from the dashboard. Navigate to the Lines tab in an existing Agile order…


New Update Project Contacts Feature in Print Quote Dialog (2/13/24) 

To increase efficiency when generating Quote printouts, you can now access the Contacts Tab directly from the Print Quote dialog for Project Quotes. Simply click the Contacts button to modify the associated companies and contacts as needed. Once the updates have been made, click the Reload Data button for the changes to reflect.  Please note…


New Update Project Contacts Feature in Print Quote Dialog (2/13/24) 

To increase efficiency when generating Quote printouts, you can now access the Contacts Tab directly from the Print Quote dialog for Project Quotes. Simply click the Contacts button to modify the associated companies and contacts as needed. Once the updates have been made, click the Reload Data button for the changes to reflect.  Please note…


New Non-ABL External Price Links Functionality in Agile Quotes and Contact Management (1/18/24)

You can now store direct links/URLS for non-ABL external pricing in Agile without using Document Upload. This will limit the need to navigate to multiple websites or to your SharePoint drive when you need to reference external pricing. These links can be stored in the Products tab of a Non-ABL Manufacturer record in Contact Management….

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Unplanned Renovations (UPR) Changes In Project Container, Quotes, Order Management and National/Enterprise Accounts (1/11/2024)

To support the upcoming rebranding of the UPR market segment, to be announced January 15th, starting January 11th you will see the following changes in agile Project Container, Quotes, and Order Management. Changes have also been made to the National Account application to reflect these same definitions used across Acuity.


12/4 Pricing Increase – Future Pricing now Visible in ADC

As of Monday November 6th, the ability to print future pricing has been turned on in Acuity Distributor Center (ADC) to support the upcoming price increase on December 4th. This feature will be available until the new pricing effective date. After that date, you will see the updated pricing as the current price. After logging into…

Design Select-Related Enhancements in Stock Pricing Tool (9/13/23)

This morning we deployed a new version of Stock Pricing Tool ( To support the Design Select Regional program, this release includes a new “Program” column on the Products grid as well as a new “Program” field on the Product Detail card, which also indicates the Quantity Limit, if applicable.  Later this fall we plan…


Enhancements to OM including Package Optimization Settings and Shipment Status Sorting!

PACKAGE OPTIMIZATION SETTINGS: We are excited to bring to you some enhancements around package optimization that will allow you to better provide for your customers and their packaging needs! Quotes: In order to simplify selecting preferences for package optimization on a quote, an enhancement has been made in the Quotes application to make it easier…


Upcoming Agile ClickOnce Deployments due to Certificate Change (Holophane)

Because the signing certificate for our ClickOnce Applications will expire on February 6th, ABL Tech will be deploying new versions of the following applications this week with the updated certificate:  Due to changes in how Microsoft handles certificates, it is possible some users’ Microsoft Defender SmartScreen will attempt to block the downloads with an option…

Upcoming Agile ClickOnce Deployments due to Certificate Change (Corporate)

Because the signing certificate for our ClickOnce Applications will expire on February 6th, ABL Tech will be deploying new versions of the following applications this week with the updated certificate:  Due to changes in how Microsoft handles certificates, it is possible some users’ Microsoft Defender SmartScreen will attempt to block the downloads with an option…


Upcoming Agile ClickOnce Deployments due to Certificate Change

Because the signing certificate for our ClickOnce Applications will expire on February 6th, ABL Tech will be deploying new versions of the following applications this week with the updated certificate:  Due to changes in how Microsoft handles certificates, it is possible some users’ Microsoft Defender SmartScreen will attempt to block the downloads with an option…

Agile Quotes Release Notes (10/18/22)

This morning we deployed a new version of Agile Quotes ( This release includes the following updates: Addressed an issue where certain Replacement Parts documents were not being returned when using the ‘Show Replacement Parts’ feature. Addressed an issue where product lines without a Product/Price Approval (typically Assembly Lines) would crash the Totals and CIP…


Winona Order Changes

To better align with the freight terms for the Winona division Agile Order Management will now require Winona products to be ordered separately from ABL Core divisions. In addition to this change when quoting Winona these products will also be broken out into a separate Freight Terms section. These changes will take effect 10/06/2022 at…

Agile Quotes Release Notes (07/14/22)

This morning we deployed a new version of Agile Quotes, This version includes the following updates: Performance Tuning Updates to the Quotes Lines Grid to improve responsiveness when moving between fields.  While all quotes should see some improvements, this will primarily affect large quotes (50+ EDT Lines) Subtotal & Assembly Lines As a result of…


Agile Quotes Release Notes (4/13/2022)

With the 4/13/2022 release of agile Quotes the following items have been addressed/updated: The Non-ABL commission calculation has been updated to handle rounding and recalculation consistent with Order Management Addressed an issue with how Overage (CIP and Non-ABL) interacts with Freight Minimums on quote printouts Addressed an issue where the “Manufacturer Quote Request” would occasionally fail to generate


Agile Quotes Release – A new way to manage Good Thru Date on Holophane Quote Printouts

With the March 31st deployment of Agile Quotes, we have updated how “Good Through” dates are managed for Holophane Quote Printouts. In previous versions of the application, the “Good Through” date was specified in the Terms section and was listed as “30 calendar days” from the issue date of the quote. “Good Through” dates are…


Agile Quotes Release ABL Auto Complete Catalog Number rollback and Percent Based Spread

With the March 31st deployment of Agile Quotes (client version we have rolled back the “ABL Auto Complete Catalog #” and related preferences to their pre-March 20th state while we work to improve the new version and address the concerns that were brought up with it. We apologize for any inconvenience caused. In addition…


Future Pricing in ADC and Reset to Target in Agile Quotes are now available!

The ability to print future pricing has been turned on in Acuity Distributor Center (ADC) to support the upcoming price increase on February 7th. This feature will be available until the new pricing effective date. After that date, you will see the updated pricing as the current price. After logging into ADC, click on the “My…

Improvements to agile Quotes to Increase Accuracy and Efficiency of New Line Entry as Well as Updated Logic Around Expired Modifications

We have made several enhancements to agile quotes to better assist with new line entry: 1.  Updated validation messaging to list out each validation failure for easier viewing. 2.  Prompt users to launch the Product Configurator if invalid nomenclature was entered. This will occur if that particular series is turned onto the Product Configurator. 3. Created…


Quote changes in preparation for new Agency Power BI Reporting

We are deploying a change to the quotes application that will allow you to mark additional quote versions as visible for our upcoming deployment of agency reporting.  The new Power BI reporting is scheduled for later this fiscal year.  The Active version of a quote will continue to always be included in reports but you…


Pallet Qty and Estimated Pallets are now available in agile Quotes

We have heard from a lot of Distributors that they would like to be able to estimate the # of pallets they will be receiving. To help communicate Pallet Qty and Estimated Pallets, we have created a new agile Quote feature.  In the Quote application, you can now add Pallet Qty to your quote line…

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ADC Quote Convert to Order

Converting Quotes to Orders is Now Available on ADC The new Convert Quote to Orders feature on Acuity Distributor Center (ADC) allows customers to place online orders directly converted from requested quotes. Tools & Training for You • NEW Convert Quote to Order Training Video for Agents • NEW Convert Quote to Order PowerPoint for Agents •…

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Agile Quick Quote Creation from Product Search Now Available for Agents!

Product Search has been expanded to allow agents the ability to add products to a cart and then submit that cart as an Agile Quick Quote. You can also email the customer a copy of the quote during this process. A prerequisite for this feature is that you must have the Product Search role of…

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Performance Improvement – Changes to agile dashboard functionality regarding documents

Over the past several months, we have taken a focused look at the agile applications and have been making changes to optimize the code and server load to provide an improved user experience. On January 24, 2018, we deployed an updated version of Order Management that significantly improved the time it took to open a new hold order and edit the header by approximately 50%.

Notice—City/State will be a required field in AGILE on all quotes submitted to Acuity for pricing beginning on Oct 4th. Please contact your AQD representative if you have any questions.

On project quotes, city and state should be populated on that quote’s project container General tab. From within the quote click the blue project container icon to launch the project. Next populate the city and state fields. If those values aren’t populated, you will prompted in quotes on request review. The project container will then…

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New Copy Functionality in RFD as well as RFD Lead Time Visibility in Quotes.

You will now see a Copy icon in the Request Information section of the RFD.  This feature will help you more quickly submit similar RFD requests to Acuity. Rather than completing each request form separately and submitting each request one at a time, the new Copy feature allows you to quickly copy information from one…

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agile Changes to Support Juno

As we have announced through sales letters and web training, we have made significant changes in agile to assist with the integration of Juno into the Acuity Business processes. Below are some agile enhancements that will make the process of Quoting and Ordering Juno products even easier! Crossover Application The Crossover application assists with crossing over old…

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Doing Business with Juno Just Got Easier!

We are pleased to announce several new Agile enhancements that will make doing business with Juno much easier: Visibility of Juno distributor stock quotes, Juno inventory in Agile Product Search, System generated hyperlinks from Agile OM to Juno eCommerce order, and Enhanced Auto-complete nomenclature.  New training video now available!

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More Document Enhancements!

In this latest release we have added a new date column to the documents grid called “Upload Date”.  This will display the date and time the file was uploaded into agile.  We are also providing you with the ability to group uploaded documents by the various column headings.  For example you can now group documents so they are displayed according to who they were uploaded by.

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agile Documents – Increased Performance

We deployed a new version of Documents on Tuesday in an effort to increase performance; particularly around projects with hundreds of documents.  The Documents tab will now load in a matter of seconds.  As part of this increased performance Documents will now have paging at the bottom of the screen.  The default number of items displayed is…

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New agile Activities!

Have you ever wanted to view a company record in contact management and see all activity with that account? Or open a project container and quickly view all tasks that have been completed for a given project? The new “Activities” tab is here to help you better manage these daily agile tasks and events.  In conjunction with the Activities tab we are also introducing agile Calendar, agile Tasks, and improvements to the Notes tab.

New Enhancements to the Stock Pricing Tool

We have added several new features to the Stock Pricing Tool to make managing your customer price lists easier.  These enhancements will help you with editing existing lists and creating new lists in anticipation of our upcoming Acuity Distributor Center – My Catalog release.  The new Stock Price Tool features include:

  • New pre-populated searches for adding products to lists
  • New price factor of Target Price Point
  • New printing capabilities – print price lists to catalogs
  • New validation & pricing progress bar and performance improvements

New Quote Preference – ABL Product Validation Exception

A new quote preference has been created called “ABL Product Validation Exception”.   This new feature is designed to help inform the user why an Acuity Brands product is not validating (a product that has UNK product approval). How does it work? With the preference turned on, simply key in your Acuity Brands Division, product, and…

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New and Improved ASL Configurator (Envision) is Live

The new agile integrated Envision configurator eases doing business with ASL by providing: Electronic assistance for ASL catalog numbers Instant wind-load validation Customized 2D & 3D product model files Customized pictures for site specific project proposals Customized specification sheets with orientation drawings We conducted a series of webinars this summer, but if you missed the chance to join…

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Employee Credit Functionality Enhanced!

The existing Employee Credit process has been improved for easier rep association and maintenance to projects and orders.  You now also have access to improved employee credit reporting! Some of the changes include: The ability to manage employee percentages on one screen in Contact Management The ability to see and maintenance  Employee Credit assignments on…


Important update regarding use of Hidden (HDN) lines in agile

Previously, if you had Hidden (HDN) lines on a quote, when you converted to a hold order those lines were automatically changed to Regular (REG) product lines. For those HDN lines that contained overage, if your agency did not edit or remove the lines or update the line categories to Overage (OVG) prior to final…

Integration of New AcuityBrands.com Website in agile…and more!

A new version of agile Quotes is now available with some new features!

  • Ability to launch the product series webpage on AcuityBrands.com from a quote line to view product details, photometry and spec sheets
  • Improvements to how the Rep Copy of a quote displays Totals, Manufacturer Totals and Overage
  • New Contractor Counts
  • New Quote Type on Print options that does not require a selection in the Quoted To and Quote From dropdowns …
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Introducing Request for Warranty Deviation (RFWD)

Please welcome our newest addition to agile…..Request for Warranty Deviation (RFWD)! Starting today all requests for warranty deviations can be entered and managed through the new RFWD application. This new application will allow you to request changes to a product’s warranty straight from the quote line and send it to the Product Value Stream for…

Quote’s New Years Resolution…Continue to Improve Speed and Efficiency!

We continue to focus on enhancements that provide efficiency within agile Quotes!

  • Quickly search for quotes by quote number, job name and version label from inside the quote application
  • View Quote lines from the quote dashboard without opening the quote
  • Disable automatic line validation
  • Copy LIT lines to the clipboard to be pasted into a document

Trick or Treat? Another round of agile Quote Treats…

As October comes to a close we have another round of agile Quotes treats for you including…

  • Clipboard Enhancements
  • Contact Management changes to help you manage your Non-ABL Comm % when changes occur
  • Filtering ability in the Counts Dialog
  • Enhancements to Recents/Favorites
  • Improvements to Quick Copy
  • New options for Quote related print outs
  • Better visibility of Overage splits for every manufacturer