
Introducing Request for Assistance

The Request for Assistance application is designed to provide you an easy way to obtain assistance from the Acuity Solutions team.  You can currently select from design, BOM, and submittal requests for Controls products, but we are planning on expanding this to encompass other types of assistance and product lines in the future.

To get started, either access the Requests tab on a project in Project Container, or click on the “Request for Assistance” link that is found under the main agile screen under the “Projects” category to be taken to this application’s dashboard.


After clicking “New Request” and selecting your project (if needed), you will then be taken through the Request for Assistance wizard.  Here you can select the type of assistance needed, specify what products are on the request, pick a need by date, and provide any additional information the Solutions team requires.  This may include detailed information, a hold order, notes, or specific documents.


After submitting your request, you will then be notified at various stages of the process through email.  This may be a systematic notification, or one sent directly to you by a member of the Controls Solutions team.  Once you are notified a request is completed, you can then review any Request Output documents or BOMs that have been added and shared on your request.


If your completed request does contain a BOM, you can then import that into a quote by going into the project, accessing the Quotes tab, and clicking “Import Schedule”.


Once the BOM and service lines are imported in, you can then apply your agency standard pricing, modify as needed, and follow your standard quotations process.


If you do not have rights for this application, please contact your agency administrators and they can give you the needed rights.

The Request for Assistance Agency User Guide can be found in the agile Help tab.

All C&I agencies have been trained in the last couple weeks.  If you happened to miss the training, there will be one makeup session at the below date and time.  Simply click the hyperlink, install the AT&T “Windows Based” Participant Application, and you will be taken to the webinar.  You will then receive the call-in information.  This makeup session will be recorded and provided in this same blog post once available.

Request for Assistance Training – Thursday December 17th at 4:00PM EST

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