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agile Calendar and Activities Enhancements

A number of enhancements have been released for agile Calendar, and for tasks and events created on the Activities tab in supported applications.

agile Calendar

In agile Calendar you can now customize which users are selected.  Previously you could only pick between one person, or “All”.  The default selection when first entering agile Calendar is the signed-in user.  If you want to add additional users at your agency simply click on the green box displaying the selected user’s name.  A “User Selector” window will display.

Within the “User Selector” window you can use the multi-user dropdown to add additional users.  If you want to add all users at your agency click “All” to populate.  From here you can also individually remove specific users by clicking the “X” to the right of their name.  Once complete, hit “OK” to save your changes.

The agile Calendar will refresh with your selected users.  If only one user was picked the green “User” box will display their name.  If multiple users have been picked it will display as “Multiple Selected”.  If you cannot recall who you have selected, you can hover over the “Multiple Selected” verbiage to display a tooltip showing user selections.  You can also click on “Multiple Selected” to return to the “User Selector” window and make additional changes if needed.

Finally, as a quick way to reset back to the initial default “User” selection, within the User Selector window you can click “Clear”.  This will remove all selected users and return you to the Calendar with only the signed-in user selected.

As a reminder, project “bids” will only show up on the calendar if one of the selected users is listed as the Follow-Up Salesperson, Quote Person, Additional Quote Person, or Project Manager on the project.  The styling when reviewing tasks or events in agile Calendar has also been improved.

Tasks and Events (Activities Tab)

Most of the enhancements made on the Activities tab for both tasks and events are behind the scenes changes.  However, one important change for Events specifically is being able to set up an email reminder.  This is checked by default for new Events you may create.  If checked, anyone listed as an Attendee on the event will receive an email reminder.

Email notifications for both tasks and events are sent between 15 and 45 minutes before the Start Date (on Events), or the Due Date (on Tasks).  In the Event example below where the Start Date is set for 11:30 AM, an email reminder would be sent that day between 10:45 AM and 11:15 AM.

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