Automated Warranty Expiration Date Calculation (2/11/25)

A new enhancement is now available in Agile Order Management (OM) that enables users to see Standard Warranty Expiration Dates. This update automatically calculates the warranty expiration date for billed lines on new orders that do not have an RFWD associated. This date will be displayed in a new field labeled “Warranty Exp Date” for…

Manual Ship To Address is Retained when Sold To is Changed in Order Management (10/30/24)

A manually entered “ship to” address will now be retained if a “sold to” address is changed on an order. This improvement will eliminate the need to re-enter the manual “ship to” address. Previously, when there was a manually entered “ship to” address and the “sold to” address was changed, the “ship to” had to…


Create Acuity Returns from Orders In Order Management  (10/30/24) 

We have added a new feature to allow the creation of an Acuity return directly from an order in Order Management. From the Order Lines tab, click the Returns tool to begin the process.  A dialog box will appear with the lines on the order eligible for return. Select the return type, enter the e-mail…

Project Order Status Enhancement – Inclusion of Hold Orders (10/10/24)

Hold Orders are now included as the default in the Project Order Status report. You can manage the orders included or excluded from the Filters button. You can access the functionality from the Order Status button on the Orders Tab on a Project Container.   Since the initial release in Fall 2023, we have made many…

Stock Availability Now Showing on Order Lines in Agile Order Management (9/24/24)

We’re thrilled to announce a powerful new feature in Agile Order Management (OM) that will enhance your order management experience: Stock Availability from Order Lines. This update makes it easier than ever to access inventory information right within agile OM. With this feature, the available quantity for stock items in TRG and TRF status now…

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New ABL Construction Categories for Data Centers, Healthcare and More (9/23/24) 

To align with Acuity’s strategy and enhance clarity around construction categories, we have expanded the vertical hierarchy to include the below options. All relevant locations in agile (Project Container, Quotes, and Order Management) where ABL Construction can be set have been updated accordingly. Additional adjustments will be made later this year, with a follow-up announcement…

Expedite Request: Entry Self-service

Our Customer Experience (CX) and Technology teams are committed to enhancing our processes and applications. Our core objectives include creating better user experiences, promoting operational productivty gains, and empowering our users via self-service capabilities.   We are excited to introduce our new Expedite Request Entry self-service capabilities. The following resources will be available in Acuity Academy by 8/12…


Non-ABL Manufacturer PO Updates in OM (4/18/2024)

Updates have been made to the Non-ABL Manufacturer PO to better reflect overage and overage commission due.  Preferences have also been added to set a default for including the agency split section and the overage section on the manufacturer purchase order.  Preferences are set by clicking on Options/Preferences on the OM dashboard and selecting Preferences. …

Project Order Status Enhancement – EDT lines visibility (03/25/2024)

In the Project Order Status feature, users now have the option to hide specific EDT lines. You can either hide all EDT lines or only those related to Acuity (Acuity EDT lines). For example, if an order includes both ABL and non-ABL materials, toggling the EDT line view will conceal the ABL EDT lines, while…


Agile OM – Post Shipment Tab (03/07/2024)

View your claims, no-charge orders, and returns from within Agile Order Management Overview: Starting 03/07/2024, Agile OM’s update enables users to easily view all claims, no-charge orders, and returns for any order. Explore the new features below. Walk-through: **Please note: The data presented in this walk-through is simulated and sourced from our testing environment. It…

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Design Select: Configuring Your Quote and Order Layouts for Visibility of Program Items (2/16/2024)

To see which quote or order line items are included in the Design Select program, you must manage your layout in Agile Order Management and Agile Quotes. Configuring Your Layout This update should be made within an existing quote or order, not from the dashboard. Navigate to the Lines tab in an existing Agile order…


Order Status 3 – Decommissioned (01/24/2024)

For the past few months the Orders Domain team has been working hard to make updates to Agile Order Management (Agile OM) that would give users the ability to navigate through lists of orders with the ease of Order Status 3. These updates mainly included changes to our Dashboard and Search functionality. With these updates…

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Unplanned Renovations (UPR) Changes In Project Container, Quotes, Order Management and National/Enterprise Accounts (1/11/2024)

To support the upcoming rebranding of the UPR market segment, to be announced January 15th, starting January 11th you will see the following changes in agile Project Container, Quotes, and Order Management. Changes have also been made to the National Account application to reflect these same definitions used across Acuity.


New Tool in OM to Launch Non-ABL Manufacturer Website (10/31/2023)

To accommodate Non-ABL manufacturers who have websites that allow you to check status, submit return requests etc, we have added a new tool in Agile Order Management to allow you to launch a Non-ABL Manufacturer website or “portal link”. This requires a one-time set up on the Non-ABL Manufacturer record in Contact Management. To do…


Project Order Status – Enhancements (10/08/2023)

Recently, we introduced the Project Order Status feature in its first iteration phase. Thanks to your valuable feedback, we’ve made significant improvements! One issue we addressed was a 401 error some users encountered during login. We implemented changes on 09/29 to fix this problem, and since then, no additional errors have been reported. Now, lets…


OM Enhancements for Non-ABL Orders (10/6/2023)

“SOLD TO” ENHANCEMENT A new enhancement enables selection of Non-Distributor company types as the Sold To customer on a Hold Order and Non-ABL Order as long as the company is set up in Contact Management. To enable this functionality, you must first set a preference. This is done on the OM dashboard by selecting Options/Preferences….


Project Order Status Deployment (09/18/2023)

Providing comprehensive order status to customers is an important aspect of project management.  While agile and ADC provide individual order status and agents can enable visibility of non-Acuity orders in ADC, there is not a way to present all lines on all orders related to a project in a single view….UNTIL NOW! This new functionality…


Agile OM Enhancements – RFWD, Design Select, and Audit Log (09/07/2023)

on 09/07, the following items were deployed into agile OM to assist both our Agents and internal parties. RFWD (Request for Warranty Deviation) Visibility on a line level: We’ve introduced RFWD visibility at the line level in Agile OM. To enable this, users should add the RFWD column to their layout. Once added, the RFWD…


Agency Enablement – Adding or Adjusting Not before dates on Order Headers

On 08/09/2023 the Orders Tech team deployed a change allowing Agents to adjust the Not Before Dates on their orders when all lines are in a NAC status. This means, if all lines are still in a NAC (not activated) state, Agents will be able to adjust the Not before date as needed without having…

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New Document Upload Website…no longer dependent on ActiveX Controls/agile Webtools

We are excited to report that the document upload functionality which uses the ActiveX controls aka agile webtools has been replaced with a new website implementation.   The document upload was replaced due to outdated technology and possible disruptions from time to time due to Microsoft patches.    Switching to a website to perform the document uploads…


Enhancements to OM including Package Optimization Settings and Shipment Status Sorting!

PACKAGE OPTIMIZATION SETTINGS: We are excited to bring to you some enhancements around package optimization that will allow you to better provide for your customers and their packaging needs! Quotes: In order to simplify selecting preferences for package optimization on a quote, an enhancement has been made in the Quotes application to make it easier…

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Design Select is Now Live!

Design Select is a new program with the most popular, readily available, and configurable products that allow you to capture opportunity business and meet tight project timelines. Select with confidence around functionality, price, and delivery when specifying, designing, or choosing products for your next project! Click here to view a short video of the program…

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Design Select Coming Soon!

Design Select is a new program with the most popular, readily available, and configurable products that allow you to capture opportunity business and meet tight project timelines. Select with confidence around functionality, price, and delivery when specifying, designing, or choosing products for your next project! Click here to view a short video of the program…


Winona Order Changes

To better align with the freight terms for the Winona division Agile Order Management will now require Winona products to be ordered separately from ABL Core divisions. In addition to this change when quoting Winona these products will also be broken out into a separate Freight Terms section. These changes will take effect 10/06/2022 at…

Update to Order Management

Today we have deployed two enhancements in order management to help with processing efficiencies. We have moved the “call before” prompt up to enable agents to enter in call before information before placing order in agile OM. This should reduce line activation time for vendor material and eliminate manual intervention from Acuity Customer Resolution. We…

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NEW Daily Summaries for Late Order Lines and Date Changes!

We are pleased to announce the NEW DAILY SUMMARIES to help you manage your orders! There are two daily summary reports that will assist you with keeping up with orders that may require your attention and are meant to replace the report under the Reports tab titled Orders Past Ship Promise . The best part…

Coming Monday April 19th……Order Releasing Rules Change!

Voice of the customer has indicated receiving multiple shipments to complete small orders is less than ideal. In an effort to improve fill rates, delivery quality, and reduce transactional costs, Acuity Brands will implement a change to the order releasing rules to auto populate a Produce and Ship Complete flag on orders that meet specific criteria. Please read this blog further for detailed info around this change.


Why did my estimated ship date change? Now you know!

REASONS FOR DATE CHANGES ARE HERE! If a reason for a date change has been provided, you will now see this in the form of an alert in the Order Tracker. Examples include having to push out the ship date due to short parts…  …and the good news is that you’ll also see reasons for improvements, like pulling in the ship date to expedite your…


Where’s My Stuff? The Order Tracker is Here

Have you ever wished that the order status screen in agile Order Management was easier to decipher and answered the question Where’s My Stuff? Your wish has come true! Introducing…the Order Tracker! The Order Tracker is a new tool that provides an in-depth visual representation of the status of each line of an order, depicts…


Subscribing to Orders for Shipment Notifications Made Easy!!

You can now subscribe to an order to receive shipment notifications at order placement time!  On the Place Order Screen, simply click the notifications icon to subscribe.   Remember, you can subscribe for yourself by selecting the Shipment Notifications option in the dropdown, or your can subscribe for other agency co-workers, including yourself, by selecting the Shipment Notifications…


What’s New with Shipment Notifications?

You asked and we listened!  You can now subscribe to an order for shipment notifications and select a fellow agency user to receive the notification!    When you click the notification icon, select Shipment Notification Multi-User.  If you are just subscribing for yourself, you can continue to use the Shipment Notification option.    This will bring up a list of users…

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Your Order has Shipped! Your Order has been Delivered!

Checking on orders to see if they shipped and tracking orders to make sure they are delivered can be very time consuming. We are excited to announce a new feature in agile called Shipment Notifications! Shipment Notifications We are excited to announce that you now have the ability to opt in and subscribe to orders…

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DID YOU KNOW? Keeping your Distributor Informed

We are beginning a bi-monthly series of blogs to highlight agile functionality that you may not know about. Our first blog today highlights 3 features you will want to make sure to share with your distributors! LIVE ORDER STATUS LINK Are you inundated with calls from customers asking about the status of orders? Did you…

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ADC Quote Convert to Order

Converting Quotes to Orders is Now Available on ADC The new Convert Quote to Orders feature on Acuity Distributor Center (ADC) allows customers to place online orders directly converted from requested quotes. Tools & Training for You • NEW Convert Quote to Order Training Video for Agents • NEW Convert Quote to Order PowerPoint for Agents •…

Staged Project option now available in Agile OM

As you work to achieve balance in your business model, many of you have expressed interest in improved reporting so you can more effectively understand true distributor stock vs Staged projects (ship and store).  We’ve heard your feedback and in response we’ve made a system change which will allow us to begin building the foundation for future reporting enhancements.  Click below to read the full details in our latest blog!



Extended Agile Maintenance Window – Saturday October 19- Sunday 20

This weekend, in addition to our normal agile maintenance time of Sunday, we will also be performing some system upgrades on Saturday October 19th. This will impact users ability to access agile Order Management on Saturday and Sunday, with the application being available Monday morning.    

Agile OM-Latest enhancements!

Several new enhancements are now available in Agile OM!

The latest changes include:

  • Auto applying of Produce & Ship Complete instruction to all groups
  • Updates to Non-ABL MFG PO print options
  • Holds/Exceptions tab updates to show expanded visibility of hold type information
  • Increased notification of conflicts with Produce & Ship Complete instruction on JOB orders

For more info on each of these changes please click to read the entire blog post!

Estimated Dating of Architectural Ambient Orders has Arrived!

Tired of waiting to find out when your product will produce and ship?  Well…your wait is over!  Starting on Monday, July 1, 2019 you will begin to see estimated target dates and ship promise dates on all your Architectural Ambient (Mark, Peerless, Winona, Hydrel, Healthcare) order lines within 48 hours of order release.

Please be sure to attend one of our scheduled training sessions on Thursday, June 27.  For anyone who is unable to attend we have a recording available for you as well as a short power point presentation.

Thursday – June 27, 2019 at 11:00am EST

Thursday – June 27, 2019 at 2:00pm EST

Live Order Status Link In Order Management

Be proactive …. and provide your customers with the NEW LIVE ORDER STATUS link!

Greatly decrease the time you spend each day answering customer inquiries about the status of their orders! Put self-service into the hands of the customer today by promoting the new LIVE ORDER STATUS LINK for Acuity orders, generated as part of order confirmations in agile as easy as 1-2-3.

Agile OM improvements!

As part of our continued effort to improve the user experience, we have simplified a few order  entry functions of New hold order creation and Add Line on existing orders. As well as automatically adding a live order status link to the Order Confirmation print out.  The new version of Agile OM will be available on April 1st.


Pricing Holds May Delay LightQuick Orders

If a LightQuick order is entered with pricing on lines below new announced price levels, the shipment of those lines might be delayed due to the time required to resolve and clear pricing holds. If this situation occurs Acuity may choose to not apply expedited freight to those lines if that line cannot be shipped same…

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Performance Improvement – Changes to agile dashboard functionality regarding documents

Over the past several months, we have taken a focused look at the agile applications and have been making changes to optimize the code and server load to provide an improved user experience. On January 24, 2018, we deployed an updated version of Order Management that significantly improved the time it took to open a new hold order and edit the header by approximately 50%.

Agile Order Management updates!

Beginning on Tuesday 11/28 the below changes will take effect in the Agile OM application:

  • Same Day flag will be automatically selected on hold orders containing stock product.
  • Prompt during order placement for lines containing Control product(LC&D, Sensor Switch, Synergy, etc) if the color option is currently set to XX in the description

See below for more details…..

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agile Changes to Support Juno

As we have announced through sales letters and web training, we have made significant changes in agile to assist with the integration of Juno into the Acuity Business processes. Below are some agile enhancements that will make the process of Quoting and Ordering Juno products even easier! Crossover Application The Crossover application assists with crossing over old…

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Doing Business with Juno Just Got Easier!

We are pleased to announce several new Agile enhancements that will make doing business with Juno much easier: Visibility of Juno distributor stock quotes, Juno inventory in Agile Product Search, System generated hyperlinks from Agile OM to Juno eCommerce order, and Enhanced Auto-complete nomenclature.  New training video now available!

Completion of Mark Lighting Product onto ABL orders – UPDATE!

As a continuation of the recent blog announcing that all Mark Lighting product can now be entered on ABL orders, below you will find detailed instructions on how to convert existing Quotes and Hold Orders to the Mark ABL Manufacturer. In addition, FAQ’s relating to your Mark ABL orders are included below.  Please contact your…

Doing Business with Juno Just Got Easier – UPDATE on Order Entry Process!

Many of you have noticed that the order number link to the Juno website is sometimes populated before you email a copy of the Manufacturer Purchase Order to the Autofax-cs@junolightinggroup email address.  Please be aware that you MUST CONTINUE TO SEND THE EMAIL of the Manufacturer Purchase Order and copy of PO to Juno as…

Completion of Mark Lighting product onto ABL orders

We are pleased to announce that effective Monday, September 19th all remaining Mark Lighting product will be transitioned to ABL orders.  You will now be able to enter and release your Mark orders in agile and no longer have to split between ABL and non-ABL orders.

We appreciate your patience during this transition and will be following up with additional details in the form of FAQ’s early next week.

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New Fields in agile for ESCO (Energy Service Companies) and LMC (Lighting Management Companies)

A drop down menu for selection of important partners in the unplanned Renovation market will be added to agile on September 6th. ESCO’s (Energy Service Companies) and LMC’s (Lighting Management Companies) are critical customers for our distributors to be successful in the Renovation market, and by enhancing the drop down menus with a pre-populated list…

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Mark Lighting Warranty Claims Now Processing via AGILE RFC Tool!

Effective August 15, 2016, Post Sales warranty claims that contain Mark Lighting products are now enabled to be processed within the AGILE Request for Claim (RFC) tool. You are no longer required to email warranty requests  to for manual entry of your claim. Your Agile RFC Order number is simply your Agency number plus your…

New Order Status application!

Beginning on Thursday July 28th you will have access to the new and improved agile Order Status application. In this latest release we focused on the removal of the Internet Explorer compatibility mode which often caused an undesirable “look and feel” to the application. However, we also took time to add a few more enhancements to the application as well!  Several of these new improvements are listed below. The great news is that the core functionality of the application has remained the same so you should be able to jump right in and start working.

Continued Integration of Mark Lighting product on ABL orders

Effective Monday, July 25th we will expand Mark Lighting product placed on ABL orders to the Slot Pendant, Surface and Wall which includes the following series:  S2LD, S2LI, S2LID, S2LS, S2LWD, S2LWI, S2LWID, S4LD, S4LI, S4LID, S4LS, S4LWD, S4LWI, S4LWID.

Expect to see the next update in mid-August, at which time we will allow all remaining Mark families to be placed on ABL orders.

Please contact your PM with any issues or questions during this implementation.


Project Container – New Submittal Person Dropdown and Multiple Project Managers Now Allowed

We have introduced functionality that allows you to denote who is responsible at your agency for completing submittals.  The Submittal Person dropdown gives you an easy way to track overall project submittal assignments. The Submittal Person column is also available to be added to layout customization for dashboard visibility, and can also be used to…


Upcoming Changes to the ABL Construction Type

The ABL Construction Type selection in agile will be enhanced on Monday April 18th, 2016. Available selections have been changed to more accurately reflect current industry terminology and to provide more robust reporting on the dynamic market for lighting renovation. These selections will include: New Construction, Renovation – Planned, and Renovation – Unplanned, and the following definitions…

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More Document Enhancements!

In this latest release we have added a new date column to the documents grid called “Upload Date”.  This will display the date and time the file was uploaded into agile.  We are also providing you with the ability to group uploaded documents by the various column headings.  For example you can now group documents so they are displayed according to who they were uploaded by.

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agile Documents – Increased Performance

We deployed a new version of Documents on Tuesday in an effort to increase performance; particularly around projects with hundreds of documents.  The Documents tab will now load in a matter of seconds.  As part of this increased performance Documents will now have paging at the bottom of the screen.  The default number of items displayed is…

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New agile Activities!

Have you ever wanted to view a company record in contact management and see all activity with that account? Or open a project container and quickly view all tasks that have been completed for a given project? The new “Activities” tab is here to help you better manage these daily agile tasks and events.  In conjunction with the Activities tab we are also introducing agile Calendar, agile Tasks, and improvements to the Notes tab.

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Vertical Construction Category Enhancements

Vertical construction categories in agile will be improved on February 2, 2015. Categories have been changed to be more intuitive for agile users as well as more closely align with the market categories that 3rd party providers like MHC-Dodge use for construction outlook and reporting.  agile Order Management Enhancements All Flow orders, including ones generated…

Order Management Enhancements

In response to your feedback, we have completed several new enhancements to Order Management!   Keep reading for further information on the latest changes. Enhancements to Groups Tab: The layout option is now available on the Groups Tab. Layouts allows for you to customize which columns are displayed and the order in which they are…


List of Corporate Accounts is Now Maintained in Agile

Accessing important Corporate Account information has never been easier! Leverage national and local strengths by collaborating with the Corporate Accounts sales team, C&I Regional sales teams, and agencies using the new Corporate Accounts application. You are no more than a couple clicks away from finding out the account owner, specifying agent, all specification and purchasing…

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New and Improved ASL Configurator (Envision) is Live

The new agile integrated Envision configurator eases doing business with ASL by providing: Electronic assistance for ASL catalog numbers Instant wind-load validation Customized 2D & 3D product model files Customized pictures for site specific project proposals Customized specification sheets with orientation drawings We conducted a series of webinars this summer, but if you missed the chance to join…

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Employee Credit Functionality Enhanced!

The existing Employee Credit process has been improved for easier rep association and maintenance to projects and orders.  You now also have access to improved employee credit reporting! Some of the changes include: The ability to manage employee percentages on one screen in Contact Management The ability to see and maintenance  Employee Credit assignments on…


Important update regarding use of Hidden (HDN) lines in agile

Previously, if you had Hidden (HDN) lines on a quote, when you converted to a hold order those lines were automatically changed to Regular (REG) product lines. For those HDN lines that contained overage, if your agency did not edit or remove the lines or update the line categories to Overage (OVG) prior to final…

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Introducing Request for Warranty Deviation (RFWD)

Please welcome our newest addition to agile…..Request for Warranty Deviation (RFWD)! Starting today all requests for warranty deviations can be entered and managed through the new RFWD application. This new application will allow you to request changes to a product’s warranty straight from the quote line and send it to the Product Value Stream for…

More Streamlining and Flexibility in agile OM!

We have been busy enhancing OM to be more streamlined and flexible. Here are the enhancements ready for your use!

  • Streamlined Non-ABL shipment creation
  • Ability to print Line comments on Non-ABL order print outs
  • Totals now available on non-ABL orders
  • Ability to turn on/off the calculation of Ship Date based on non-ABL manufacturer’s lead time
  • Added EDI850 as a Created By id that can be used when searching for orders in OM
  • Added ability to search by Project Manger

Fantastic Additions to Order Management

Want to be able to customize the order status and view it from the dashboard? Or maybe you want to create an automatic follow-up on your Non-ABL orders? Or perhaps you want to attach hold order documents when printing an order confirmation? Now you can! These are just a few of the exciting additions we’ve made to the agile Order Management application in this latest release …

Presenting Non-ABL Enhancements for OM!

We’ve listened to your feedback on how you would like for the Alt Ship To, Ship To, and Sold To addresses to work for your Non-ABL orders.  With the latest release, we’ve addressed your wishes!  We’ve also tackled an improvement to the multiple line edit feature that we think you’ll appreciate.  Here is a breakdown of the latest enhancements:

  • An “Alternate Ship To” address is now available for Non-ABL hold orders and orders
  • Electrical and general contractor addresses associated to the order are pre-populated in the “Ship To” dropdown
  • The “Sold To” address and electrical and general contractor addresses available in the Alt Ship To dropdown
  • “Copy down” is now available for the Multi-Edit tool for Non-ABL orders

agile OM Enhancements to make your life easier!

A new version of Order Management has been deployed to production.

The major changes in this version include:

  • Ability to transfer Notes and Line Comments from your Quote to your Order
  • Create a consolidated order print out by exporting the OM Project View
  • New visibility of non-ABL manufacturer data such as product, pricing and lead time throughout the order entry process
  • Contractor address now available as a pre-populated manual ship to address
  • View Order Totals from Open
  • View documents from the dashboard and see your document’s description instead of the file name

agile Order Management Becomes More Efficient!!

A recent release of agile Order Management has been put into production. We have made several enhancements to the Order Management application to improve the efficiency of processing orders. Below are the changes that are contained in this release:

  • Multi-Edit tool for non-ABL orders
  • Recent Orders and Favorites
  • Search options saved for quicker searching
  • Ability to pre-populate the commission % and ovg commission split % on hold orders and orders if set up on the non-ABL manufacturer’s contact management record
  • LLI order types will now require that the Country of Ultimate Destination be set prior to placing the order
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Employee Credits Re-Envisioned

Today we are announcing the release of more robust functionality to handle employee sales credits. This functionality now in agile provides all agents the ability to enter and report on their employee’s involvement on individual projects and orders. agile will now have a dedicated tab on the Project and Order to enter and display all…