RFA Additions for Luminis and Juno (1/28/25)
Two new product options have been added to the following Request for Assistance (RFA) categories:
Two new product options have been added to the following Request for Assistance (RFA) categories:
Starting on December 1st, certain RFA requests will become paid services and will require that an order be placed for the service charge before the RFA will be completed. These RFAs will have an informational message at the top of the request and you will be required to check the box to acknowledge that you…
Atrius Locator, Atrius Wayfinder and IOTA’s ISCG Connected STAR Gateway are now clearly defined product choices under the Internet of Things RFA product category. Whether requesting a Design, BOM (with layout), Submittal or Post Installation RFA, the new Internet of Things product options will help clarify the request. This enhancement will reduce the RFA entry…
We are excited to report that the document upload functionality which uses the ActiveX controls aka agile webtools has been replaced with a new website implementation. The document upload was replaced due to outdated technology and possible disruptions from time to time due to Microsoft patches. Switching to a website to perform the document uploads…
When submitting or resubmitting from within the modification form, you will now see a message stating not to close any windows after pressing the submit/resubmit button. This is critical because if the form is closed before the submit/resubmit call has completed, an Acuity work-queue will not generate, which will delay the processing of your request….
Acuity recently published an update on the Warranty Services / Post Sales Service initiative (10/7/19). We are excited about the changes we are making and looking forward to your feedback and suggestions on our progress. Please take a few minutes to review the communication below for important information on the new Warranty Services structure, claim process, system updates and…
Starting on Wednesday June 5, any new requests for modified products should be entered using the Agile Request for Assistance (RFA) application. Just like with RFD, you can create your RFA modification request from a quote line. You can also initiate the process from the RFA dashboard or the Request tab of the Project Container. You will…
We have made several updates to Request for Assistance. We have adjusted the “When do you need this by?” question so that it first presents you with the estimated completion date based on the lead-time for that request type. If the estimated completion is satisfactory you can select that as your need by date. If…
Post Installation Assistance is rolling out several enhancements to increase our level of service and provide additional visibility to requestors. Updates to Post Installation Assistance types These updates include: Changing Startup to Onsite Startup Changing Paid Techday to Onsite Training Changing Service Plan Visit to Onsite Service Plan Visit The addition of the following assistance…
Under the assistance type of BOM, you will see a new secondary selection of Takeoff/Lighting BOM. This request type is to be used to ask for a bill of material based upon reflected ceiling plans and project specific details. The available products on this request type are our Architectural Lighting Brands (Peerless, Mark Lighting, Winona,…
This change means that you can select Record Submittals when entering your RFA instead of adding it to the notes.
At Acuity Brands, we value our relationship with our agents. We are excited to announce that effective January 24, 2018, all Architectural Lighting Submittals will now have a full Bill of Material available. Simply click on the “BOM” tab of your completed RFA to view your full Bill of Material. With the click of a…
Photometric Layout request type should be used when requesting a Point by Point calculation. All Lighting Design requests previously submitted via email to lightingdesign@acuitybrands.com will now need to be submitted through the RFA tool. Please be mindful of the following when submitting your Photometric Layout requests to minimize delays: Projects with multiple locations will require a…
Atrius products will require an on-site startup (similar to Controls products today), so you will now find the Atrius brand under request type of “Post Installation – Startup Scheduling.” A “Post Installation – Site Audit Scheduling” will be necessary if a contractor is not be available to document device locations within the space at time…
Request for Assistance, request type of Submittal, will be expanded to include the following brands: Lithonia Linear, Winona, Mark, Peerless, Healthcare, and Hydrel (for Hydrel only RFDs) . Use the links below to join us for a brief training. Select one of the times listed for your zone that best fits your schedule. Each zone…
These enhancements include: Service Lines have now been combined with the BOM/Schedule, Recent & Favorites, the ability to save a View, new field on the RFA header of approved submittal requests called “Drawing Submittal Status”, Reloc is now under its own brand in the product selector, and we now include a link to the request when an email is initiated using the Email icon.
By default the Additional Information note is not shared with Acuity. To share all text in the Additional Information section of the notes tab click into the form to launch the text editor, input your text, then check the share with Acuity box. Once you have shared your note the title will indicate this by displaying Shared with Acuity. At this time the ability to share the Additional Information note is only available in Request for Assistance.
Request for Assistance is now available on your mobile device! From your device just launch your browser and go to http://rfa.flywheelsites.com/dashboard. Then login with your credentials. A brief user guide on mobile can be located under the help tab of agile or by clicking here http://helpshared.flywheelsites.com/HelpLibrary/AgileRFA/agile%20Request%20For%20Assistance%20Mobile%20User%20Guide.pdf
Request for Assistance – Preferred Rep Contact, Advanced Search Enhancements, O&M Manual, and more. Schedule Builder – Select All Function, Ability to Export a Shared Corporate Schedule, Carry Over Version Specific Notes.
You can now request paid techdays for Controls products on your project’s orders through the Request for Assistance application! This option is available for new requests and is located under the Post-Installation dropdown in the Request wizard. Paid techday advises your PM that you need a troubleshooting visit scheduled by the date you list on the request. The…
Advanced Search Introducing Advanced Search! This can be accessed via the dropdown next to the Search button. Once selected, you will then be taken to a screen where you can set up custom filters and date ranges. After you select a filter, you can then use the “Next” and “Back” buttons to select additional filters,…
You can now request post-installation services on your project’s orders through the Request for Assistance application! This option is available for new requests. You will find both Startup Scheduling and Graphical Interface options under the Post-Installation dropdown in the Request wizard. Startup scheduling advises your PM that you need a startup scheduled on the date…
You can now request factory preprogramming for the LC&D components on your project through the Request for Assistance application! This option is available for new submittal requests, or revisions of existing submittals. You will find the Preprogramming option under the Submittal dropdown in the Request wizard. Please note that just like on other submittal requests…
The Request for Assistance application is designed to provide you an easy way to obtain assistance from the Acuity Solutions team. You can currently select from design, BOM, and submittal requests for Controls products, but we are planning on expanding this to encompass other types of assistance and product lines in the future. To get…