agile Rep Enhancements…

Check the app store for an agile Rep update!  Here’s what’s new:

  • We have provided the ability to add or update the Project Manager on a Project
  • When viewing “My Projects” it will now retrieve projects where the logged on user is the Project Manager (in addition to the Quote Person, Follow Up Salesperson or the Rep Contact for a customer associated to the project)
  • We have updated the Specification Registration portion of the Project Container to match agile in preparation for the upcoming announcement of the new Specification Registration capabilities

Stay tuned for more enhancements to come …

Envision: Customized Submittal Enhancements and more…

In an effort to increase the value of submittals generated for customers, Envision’s Customized Submittal sheets now include the following features: More descriptive product information and dimensional data for each component of configured assemblies such as height, wind load EPA and Weight Dimensional lines on the 3D drawing that display the actual heights of the…

Acceleration in Quote Creation!

Attention all quoters….this is what you have been waiting for! A new version of agile Quotes ( has been deployed to Production and includes features designed to accelerate the quote creation process along with speeding up the process of opening quotes! Accelerated Project Quote Creation: A new option “Project Quote (open Quote first)” has been…

agile Quote: Enhancements to Open & Updates to Search

A new version of agile Quotes ( has been deployed to Production and includes the following features and updates for improving Quote Open and agile stability. Opening Quotes from within a Quote: In addition to opening a quote from the dashboard, you now have the ability to open quotes from within a quote. This method…

agile Quotes-Additional Factor Functionality and more…

Do you ever find yourself needing to cleanup a Quote prior to conversion by updating the Product pricing to match the Factor pricing that the Quote was bid with? With the latest version of agile Quotes you now have the ability to easily move the difference between Factor and Product dollars to either Overage (both ABL and Non-ABL) or to the base Product price! …

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Employee Credits Re-Envisioned

Today we are announcing the release of more robust functionality to handle employee sales credits. This functionality now in agile provides all agents the ability to enter and report on their employee’s involvement on individual projects and orders. agile will now have a dedicated tab on the Project and Order to enter and display all…

agile Project Container Major Changes!

In preparation for the elimination of STAR, we have incorporated the functionality for registering specifications into Project Container! The new process will introduce project sharing which will simplify the process for registering specifications and significantly improve tracking to ensure compensation. More details on the changes will be provided in the coming months. We anticipate introducing full functionality summer 2012.

More OM Enhancements!

A new version of Order Management has been deployed to production. The major changes in this version include:

  • Restored type ahead functionality to drop down boxes
  • Ability to split a line’s quantity on the hold order
  • Addition of the quantity field to the Multi Edit tool on the hold order

agile Quote Enhancements! Cut & Paste/Excel Printouts

A new version of agile Quote ( has been deployed to production. This version includes the following enhancements:

  • Cut & Paste: The Cut option has been added allowing you to quickly move multiple lines within a quote or between quotes.
  • Excel Printouts: Printouts can now be Printed and E-mailed as Excel Documents as well as the current PDF option

OM Enhancement and Fixes…

A new version of agile Order Management has been deployed to production and includes some major enhancements including:

  • Enhancements to printing
  • Ability to estimate Sales Tax
  • Ability to assign an OM project manager
  • Visibility of the order total on the Project Container OM tab
  • Fixes to issues with critical notes, on site dates and orders not opening from the project container

Project Container: Quick Tips and Tricks Video Series

First we brought you time saving tips and tricks for Order Management, then Quote, and now we bring you the Project Container Quick Tips and Tricks Video Series!  This series totals over 14 minutes of watchable content.  The series is broken down into six videos as follows

  • Dashboard Basics (2:58)
  • Dashboard Shortcuts (1:44)
  • Master Project, Job Alias, and Save as New (2:30)
  • Phases, Statuses, and Priorities (1:55)
  • Contacts, Notes, and Documents Tabs (2:41)
  • Bid Board (2:29)

Price History Performance Improvements…

Recently, you may have noticed that the Price History application was having issues returning data in a timely fashion.  We analyzed the situation and made a few changes which resulted in a more stable application. First, we removed some unnecessary data in the Price History database.  Quote lines that had been ordered were still showing…

agile Quote Enhancements…

A new version of agile Quote ( has been deployed to production. This release includes the following major items:

  • Save as New Version: A new Save option allowing you to create a new version of the quote based off your current unsaved changes.
  • Print Price Override: A new Price Override flag has been added that allows you to force a line to print unit pricing even on Lump Sum printouts.
  • Spread to Selected Lines: The Spread button will now spread to selected lines instead of all lines

OM Enhancements…

A new version of agileOrder Management is now available. Check out these new enhancements and issues addressed

  • Visibility of the End Use field on the Hold Order and Order header. For Non-ABL orders End Use field can be modified
  • Allow the specifier flag on the Contact tab to transfer over to the Contact tab on the hold order during quote conversion
  • Display file description instead of file name when selecting email’s document attachments from the print options screen
  • Display the Carrier and Pro # on the project view grid
  • Allow shipments with multiple invoices to display the invoice number as “Multi”
  • Print Order # on Non-ABL Return Request document

agile Quote: Quick Tips and Tricks Video Series

The agile Quote Quick Tips and Tricks video series is now available. The 5 videos in this series cover tips and tricks that can speed up and enhance your experience in the Quote application.

The entire series takes less than 12 minutes to watch (see lengths below).

  • Preferences and Helpful Features (2:10)
  • Quick Quote and Layouts (2:21)
  • Quote Toolbars and Tools (2:10)
  • Standard Notes (2:21)
  • Hotkeys (2:43)

agile Rep…More Enhancements!

A new version of agile Rep is available for download and includes these enhancements:

  • You now have the ability to enter a job name on a quote and have it print on the quote email
  • We have provided the option to email a quote with either unit pricing or total only
  • In order to protect from accidentally divulging unit pricing in a lump sum situation, we have added an extra step to expand visibility of unit and extended line item pricing when drilled into line detail

Another Round of agile Quote Enhancements…

We have heard your feedback and continue to make the enhancements you are requesting! Check out these new features recently made available in agile Quotes.

  • Ability to open a quote from your 25 most recent list
  • Pick quotes as favorites so they do not drop off your 25 most recent list
  • Config Center columns (Lead Time and Max Order Qty) are now available to be added to your quote views
  • Ability to enter commission percent in the price box to calculate unit pricing
  • Option to autosend a quote email thus bypassing the email dialog box
  • Visibility of job aliases when creating a new project
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Following Through with Follow-Ups

agile is equipped to assist you with an important step of the sales process, the follow-up. Whether the follow-up is on a bid, confirming specifications, customer inquiry, or any other type of follow-up, agile can incorporate this critical step. Watch the following short 7 minute video for a quick introduction and walkthrough of the follow-up…

Check it out….More Project Container Enhancements…

We are on a roll making enhancements to agile!  Check out these new features in Project Container:

  • Assignment of more than one Follow-Up Salesperson: You now have the ability to assign more than one salesperson as the follow-up salesperson on a project.
  • Project Container Read Only Role:  Do you have people in your agency who just need visibility of jobs?  There is now a new role called Project Container – Read Only that can be assigned to users who only need the ability to view Project Container information with no editing capability.
  • Job Alias Visibility:  You can now hover the cursor over the job name field on the dashboard to quickly view the job aliases assigned to a Project Container. This will also help clarify search results when projects with job aliases are returned.
  • Project Search Change: We addressed your request to display your selections in the various search boxes versus displaying ‘Select One’.  You will now see your selection displayed in the box and if there are multiple selections, you will see ‘multiple’ displayed in the box.

Stay tuned for more enhancements coming soon!

Ultimate Mobility! agile Rep is Available for Download…

agile Rep is a new mobile app for the iPhone or iPad. agile Rep replaces agile Mobile and is made available exclusively to Acuity Brands Lighting factory authorized sales agents/reps. agile Rep has a new and improved layout for checking availability and pricing and issuing quick quotes from the mobile device and new features such as checking order status for ABL and Non-ABL orders and tracking shipments.

OM Enhancements for Non-ABL…

We are pleased to tell you about some new functionality added to Order Management especially for processing Non-ABL orders including:

  • The availability of a new Manufacturer Purchase order Printout
  • The ability to generate a Return Request and Request Authorization from Non-ABL orders
  • The implementation of Standard Notes for Non-ABL orders
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New agile Non-ABL Buy/Sell Functionality…

We’ve expanded non-ABL functionality to include your Buy/Sell business. Upgraded applications include Contact Management, Quote, Order Management, Invoices, Payments, and Reports. That means you can track your buy/sell business from the quote all the way through to the reporting process! We have created a video series to guide you through setting up and processing your…

Envision Enhancement Update!

To improve the usability and functionality of Envision, several enhancements are now available! A more detailed Long Description now displays in the Description column of the Project Basket. To the extent possible, Envision will now parse invalid catalog numbers from agile, which will allow the user to correct the catalog number in Envision based on…

Don’t Miss This Blog…More agile Quotes Enhancements!

A new version of agile Quote ( has been deployed to production. Major changes in this version include:

  • “Fixture Type” Auto-Copy is now controlled by a preference which can be set to “On”, “Prompt” or “Off”
  • You now have the option to include Overage when using Factors
  • The ability to indicate during the “Submit for Review” process that you want the requested version to be flagged as the “Active” one once the Quote Department review is complete
  • Visibility of print history and ABL manufacturer breakouts on Rep Copy of Quote print out
  • Several Dashboard improvements recently seen in other agile applications have been added to the agile Quote dashboard

Project Container Dashboard Enhancements!

Rolling right along with the recent enhancements to the Order Management dashboard, the Project Container dashboard has also been enhanced. Similar to the enhancements on the OM dashboard, the PC dashboard allows you to access important project information without having to open the project.

These streamlining enhancements include the ability to …

Quick Quote (the application) is being decommissioned!

As part of our goal to get all users onto one quotation system, we have implemented the necessary functionality to create and process quick quotes in agile Quote. With the introduction of Price History last week, the final piece is in place which will allow us to decommission the Quick Quote 1.0 application (introduced in…

OM Dashboard Enhancements! Don’t miss this blog!

Recent enhancements have been made to the Order Management dashboard allowing you to access important order information right on the dashboard without having to open the order.  You won’t want to miss out learning more about these streamlining enhancements which include the ability to:

  • View notes that are attached to orders right from the dashboard
  • View documents that are attached to orders right from the dashboard
  • Quickly search for orders by a variety of information right from the dashboard
  • Determine the overall shipment status of an order right on the dashboard

Reporting Updates!!

Earlier this month, we updated the Payment application and Compensation Reporting to accurately represent CIP dollars on split commission orders.

We determined some additional changes were required on the INVOICE BY CUSTOMER and INVOICE BY MANUFACTURER reports to show overage commission dollars. We have corrected these reports so you should now being seeing that information.

New in Envision: Wall Bracket and Lowering Device Assembly Types!

New assembly types including wall brackets and lowering devices, have been added to the Configure Assembly tab in Envision. Click on the play button to see a demonstration of how to configure the assemblies. FIXTURE/WALL BRACKET ASSEMBLY VIDEO (Don’t see the video? Click here to launch video in a new window.) Unable to display content. Adobe…

Holophane agile Quotes – New Functionality, Enhancements and Fixes

A new version of agile Quotes ( has been deployed to Production.  Highlights of this release include: Deducts (ability to enter in negative quantities) Cross-Quote Copy/Paste functionality “Clipboard” output customization Several additional enhancements and bug fixes   WHAT’S NEW? Deducts: You now have the ability to enter negative quantities in agile Quotes. Please note that…

agile Quotes–New Functionality, Enhancements and Fixes

A new version of agile Quotes ( has been deployed to Production.  Highlights of this release include:

  • Non-ABL Overage Enhancements (including full systems integration through Commission Reconciliation)
  • Deducts (ability to enter in negative quantities)
  • Cross-Quote Copy/Paste functionality
  • Product Availability visibility on the Customer Copy Printout
  • “Clipboard” output customization
  • Several additional enhancements and bug fixes

agile Order Management – New Features, Fixes and Enhancements

A new version of agile Order Management has been deployed to production!

Highlights of this release include:

  • Visibility of Hold Order and Order Total $ on the dashboard
  • Ability to export ABL and Non-ABL order lines to Excel
  • Ability to export Non-ABL orders to .xml
  • Automatic filling in of Mark As from Type
  • Addition of new columns in the Non-ABL shipment assignment screen

Holophane agile Quote Fixes!

A new version of Agile Quotes ( has been deployed to Production! This release includes the following changes:


Inactive Projects:

  • Addressed an issue where Quotes from inactive Projects were showing in the Quotes Dashboard. You will still be able to access them though through the “Open” and “Search” buttons if you …

Holophane agile Quotes New Features, Fixes and Enhancements

A new version of agile Quotes ( has been deployed to Production! Highlights of this release include: Integration of Standard Instructions into agile Quotes Ability to re-pull updated, Approved RFD information Cell Highlighting for 0/empty Quantities and Unit $ Several bug fixes dealing with lines and missing data WHAT’S NEW? END USER & SPECIFIER:  The…

Introducing…agile Commission Reconciliation-ABL Payments

ABL Payments is now available and will allow you to review your commissions paid for ABL orders.  ABL Payments will replace the CSRT disk and reports that you currently receive on a monthly basis.  The non-ABL functionality (including an Invoice application for non-ABL orders and the non-ABL portion of the Payments application) is coming soon…

Introducing…Acuity Brands agile Mobile

agile Mobile is an application made available exclusively to Acuity Brands Lighting factory authorized sales agents/reps and provides the ability to search for products, check pricing and availability, view product specification sheets and add products to a shopping basket for quoting purposes. The items in the shopping basket can be emailed as a quote to…