
How to Print Future Pricing in ADC

We have added the ability to print future pricing in ADC to support an upcoming price increase. This feature is available until the new pricing effective date.  After that date, you will see updated pricing as the current price. After logging into ADC, select the distributor from the Customer list Click on the My Catalog…


New RFA request type of Takeoff/Lighting BOM

Under the assistance type of BOM, you will see a new secondary selection of Takeoff/Lighting BOM.  This request type is to be used to ask for a bill of material based upon reflected ceiling plans and project specific details.  The available products on this request type are our Architectural Lighting Brands (Peerless, Mark Lighting, Winona,…


Distributors now have the ability to login directly into Product Search via their mobile device.

Distributors now also have the ability to create a shortcut directly to Product Search on their mobile device.  To create the short cut, distributors should launch their mobile browser and type productbrowse.flywheelsites.com into the address bar, then login with their ADC credentials.   Once logged in, they can add the app to their home screen…

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Warranty Services: Exciting Process Updates!

Acuity Warranty Services is pleased to announce changes to our Labor Approval process and updates to the AGILE Request for Claim (RFC) tool! Labor When requesting labor on warranty claims with confirmed defects, we are now able to provide a standard allowable rate for the work to be performed. You will no longer need the…

Product Search Update – In Transit to Include Estimated Arrival

We have expanded the in transit to also include the estimated arrival date at the corresponding distribution center. Click on the arrow to expand the in transit to show estimated arrival.  This functionality is only available for agile agency and corporate users. We have also added a “Copy Item” button to the product details page. Clicking…


Product Search Update – In Transit

Starting on June 14th, the in transit quantity will be listed on the product details screens through Product Search. This information will be available for agencies only within Agile Product Search.

In the near future, we will also be adding the hyperlink to see the Estimated Arrival Date at the corresponding DC.  Please continue to send feedback regarding the new search capabilities to lightquick@acuitybrands.com as we continue to incorporate suggested improvements and updates.

Product Search Update

Thank you to everyone that has provided feedback on the new product search thus far. Please continue to share at lightquick@acuitybrands.com.  Based upon your feedback, Product Search now includes the location on the details screen for Stock product only.  The location will be visible to agent, corporate, and distributor users.   Stay tuned for additional updates…

COMING SOON! – Contractor Select, LightQuick & updated Product Search

In mid-May, we will be launching our new Contractor Select and LightQuick programs. In support of these programs, we will be launching a new Product Search in Agile and Acuity Distributor Center. The updated “look” and capabilities will include browsing by category, additional filtering options, and clear identification of Contractor Select, LightQuick Stock, LightQuick Made-to-Order,…

Consolidated Acceptance Letter for Approved RFWDs!

As we continue to make improvements to the RFWD process, we’re excited to announce we have consolidated the approval letters into a single acceptance letter for all approved RFWD requests where multiple product groups are involved.  The format of the letter will remain the same; however, the list of fixtures will now include all fixtures…

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Performance Improvement – Changes to agile dashboard functionality regarding documents

Over the past several months, we have taken a focused look at the agile applications and have been making changes to optimize the code and server load to provide an improved user experience. On January 24, 2018, we deployed an updated version of Order Management that significantly improved the time it took to open a new hold order and edit the header by approximately 50%.

Agile Availability Issues Update

You have experienced several Agile outages over the last couple of weeks.  Our team is continuing to work on resolving the problem, which is happening within our core network infrastructure.  Agile crashed on January 18th, January 23rd, twice on January 24th,  and again this morning (January 31st). In each instance, we contained the issue.  We now have a playbook for containing the issue if it happens again, including a monitoring tool that provides “early warning” for this type of event.  This morning’s outage was contained to 30 minutes of downtime.   We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.

Architectural Lighting Submittals- BOM’s Now Available

At Acuity Brands, we value our relationship with our agents. We are excited to announce that effective January 24, 2018, all Architectural Lighting Submittals will now have a full Bill of Material available.  Simply click on the “BOM” tab of your completed RFA to view your full Bill of Material.  With the click of a…


RMC series drop down is now available in both Agile and ADC Product Search.

In Product Search, you will find the RMC drop on the main page.  It will display all series produced at an agent’s assigned distribution centers.  Making a selection from the drop down will launch the RMC application.  From there, select your desired product options to get an estimated ship date and price points. 


Agile and ADC Product Search Enhancements

The product long description is now available on the product search results grid.  If the text exceeds the space provided hover your mouse over the long description field and a tool tip will display the complete description.  The long description is also searchable in the Filter Criteria field. We have added a tool tip to…

Agile Order Management updates!

Beginning on Tuesday 11/28 the below changes will take effect in the Agile OM application:

  • Same Day flag will be automatically selected on hold orders containing stock product.
  • Prompt during order placement for lines containing Control product(LC&D, Sensor Switch, Synergy, etc) if the color option is currently set to XX in the description

See below for more details…..


agile mobile New Release – Standing Quotes, Master Lines, Field Warehouses and much more!

We have recently made enhancements in agile mobile Product Search to allow for product type filters, the ability to see customer standing quote pricing, and, if applicable, visibility to inventory at a field warehouse. Remember that agile mobile is a website that you can access on any mobile device as well as your laptop by…

Request for Warranty Deviation (RFWD) – Application update

With the goal of improving overall response time on RFWD requests, several changes have been made to the RFWD form. We have expanded the Key Questions to include additional required fields. This information is critical to our ability to process your RFWD request. Having complete information at the time the request is submitted reduces the…

Notice—City/State will be a required field in AGILE on all quotes submitted to Acuity for pricing beginning on Oct 4th. Please contact your AQD representative if you have any questions.

On project quotes, city and state should be populated on that quote’s project container General tab. From within the quote click the blue project container icon to launch the project. Next populate the city and state fields. If those values aren’t populated, you will prompted in quotes on request review. The project container will then…


On Monday, October 2nd RFA will be expanded to include Photometric Layout requests for all Acuity brands.

Photometric Layout request type should be used when requesting a Point by Point calculation. All Lighting Design requests previously submitted via email to lightingdesign@acuitybrands.com will now need to be submitted through the RFA tool. Please be mindful of the following when submitting your Photometric Layout requests to minimize delays: Projects with multiple locations will require a…


Request for Assistance has been expanded to include Atrius products (for example, Atrius Spaces, launching August 4th)

Atrius products will require an on-site startup (similar to Controls products today), so you will now find the Atrius brand under request type of “Post Installation – Startup Scheduling.” A “Post Installation – Site Audit Scheduling” will be necessary if a contractor is not be available to document device locations within the space at time…

Easier visibility of all Acuity stock availability in Product Search!

We have made an enhancement to Product Search in Agile and Acuity Distributor Center that will allow you and your customers to easily see the inventory across all Acuity Distribution Centers, not just the inventory in your primary, secondary, and tertiary locations.  The inventory across all DC’s is now summarized in the “Available” column on…

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New Copy Functionality in RFD as well as RFD Lead Time Visibility in Quotes.

You will now see a Copy icon in the Request Information section of the RFD.  This feature will help you more quickly submit similar RFD requests to Acuity. Rather than completing each request form separately and submitting each request one at a time, the new Copy feature allows you to quickly copy information from one…

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agile Changes to Support Juno

As we have announced through sales letters and web training, we have made significant changes in agile to assist with the integration of Juno into the Acuity Business processes. Below are some agile enhancements that will make the process of Quoting and Ordering Juno products even easier! Crossover Application The Crossover application assists with crossing over old…

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Juno Lighting Group Warranty Claims Now Processing via AGILE RFC Tool!

April 28, 2017 Effective May 1, 2017, Post Sales warranty claims that contain Juno Lighting Group products are now enabled to be processed within the AGILE Request for Claim (RFC) tool. Your Agile RFC Order number is simply your Agency number plus your 6-digit Juno Lighting Group Sales Order number. Sample Order Number = XXX-100068. This…


Architectural Product Hierarchy Changes

To support the new Architectural Products and Services Team led by Rick Earlywine, announced earlier this month, Acuity Brands is adjusting the product hierarchy in our reporting systems to focus on the brands that drive this segment of the business. This will include Peerless, Winona, Healthcare, Mark and Hydrel. What does this mean for you? Increased…


Coming soon! Request for Assistance to be expanded to include the following brands: Lithonia Linear, Winona, Mark, Peerless, Healthcare, and Hydrel.

Request for Assistance, request type of Submittal, will be expanded to include the following brands: Lithonia Linear, Winona, Mark, Peerless, Healthcare, and Hydrel (for Hydrel only RFDs) .  Use the links below to join us for a brief training.  Select one of the times listed for your zone that best fits your schedule.  Each zone…

Introducing agile Mobile!

agile Mobile is an HTML5 website that you can access on your phones and other mobile devices.  Currently it supports viewing accounts and contacts that you have created in Contact Management.  You can quickly get directions to an address, call or email contacts, and view high level information for an account’s associated projects and orders….

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Warranty Services: New Automated No Charge!

Acuity Warranty Services is pleased to announce our New Automated No Charge Service!  Our warranty process includes different types of resolution. Whenever appropriate, a no charge authorization number may be provided to your agency. Let’s make this faster and simpler! Beginning December 5, 2016, when processing No Charge Replacements for warranty claims, Acuity will now…

Submittal Generator Updates – November 2016

A new version of the Submittal Generator has been released that addresses a number of small issues.  Below are the main functionality improvements included in this release: Lead Time Field Enhancement The Lead Time fields on the submittal generator grid will now allow for alpha-numeric text instead of just numeric.  You can now enter lead…

Update Needed for ABL Documents to Continue Working

Over the weekend, we need to upgrade the code in agile that is an important part of our security measures. This setup contains some key components for agile, the most important of which is document upload. You will need to follow the instructions below to make sure that agile is working properly. Once we publish…


New Round of agile – Request for Assistance Enhancements!

These enhancements include: Service Lines have now been combined with the BOM/Schedule, Recent & Favorites, the ability to save a View, new field on the RFA header of approved submittal requests called “Drawing Submittal Status”, Reloc is now under its own brand in the product selector, and we now include a link to the request when an email is initiated using the Email icon.


Holophane PESCO Reporting Available!

We are pleased to announce the Holophane PESCO sales funnels. These funnels are designed to be a visual representation of your backlog and will enable you and your manager to quickly drill down into your sales pipelines.  These funnels are built from the data you have provided within Agile quotes. Keeping your sales process updated in…

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Doing Business with Juno Just Got Easier!

We are pleased to announce several new Agile enhancements that will make doing business with Juno much easier: Visibility of Juno distributor stock quotes, Juno inventory in Agile Product Search, System generated hyperlinks from Agile OM to Juno eCommerce order, and Enhanced Auto-complete nomenclature.  New training video now available!

Submittal Generator Updates – September 2016

A new version of the Submittal Generator has been released.  A number of small issues have been addressed.  Highlights for the main functionality improvements included in this release are below. Improved Markup Validation In the past many documents were showing as marked up when they may not have been modified yet.  This has been corrected. …

Completion of Mark Lighting Product onto ABL orders – UPDATE!

As a continuation of the recent blog announcing that all Mark Lighting product can now be entered on ABL orders, below you will find detailed instructions on how to convert existing Quotes and Hold Orders to the Mark ABL Manufacturer. In addition, FAQ’s relating to your Mark ABL orders are included below.  Please contact your…

Doing Business with Juno Just Got Easier – UPDATE on Order Entry Process!

Many of you have noticed that the order number link to the Juno website is sometimes populated before you email a copy of the Manufacturer Purchase Order to the Autofax-cs@junolightinggroup email address.  Please be aware that you MUST CONTINUE TO SEND THE EMAIL of the Manufacturer Purchase Order and copy of PO to Juno as…

Completion of Mark Lighting product onto ABL orders

We are pleased to announce that effective Monday, September 19th all remaining Mark Lighting product will be transitioned to ABL orders.  You will now be able to enter and release your Mark orders in agile and no longer have to split between ABL and non-ABL orders.

We appreciate your patience during this transition and will be following up with additional details in the form of FAQ’s early next week.

Clearance Item searching is now available in Product Search!

Have you ever needed a quick and easy way to search for clearance items without having to know the description or cicode? Well, Product Search now offers a solution for you! To take advantage of this new feature simply click on the Clearance Item Search button from the main screen of Product Search.

Product Configurator “Send To” Submittal Improvements

New functionality in the Product Configurator now allows you to specify which project and submittal you want to push configured lines to.  This provides you with much more flexibility when pushing lines to a project and submittal.  The below steps guide you through these changes. Please note that this change only applies when pushing to…

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New Fields in agile for ESCO (Energy Service Companies) and LMC (Lighting Management Companies)

A drop down menu for selection of important partners in the unplanned Renovation market will be added to agile on September 6th. ESCO’s (Energy Service Companies) and LMC’s (Lighting Management Companies) are critical customers for our distributors to be successful in the Renovation market, and by enhancing the drop down menus with a pre-populated list…

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Mark Lighting Warranty Claims Now Processing via AGILE RFC Tool!

Effective August 15, 2016, Post Sales warranty claims that contain Mark Lighting products are now enabled to be processed within the AGILE Request for Claim (RFC) tool. You are no longer required to email warranty requests  to MarkLTGPostSales@acuitybrands.com for manual entry of your claim. Your Agile RFC Order number is simply your Agency number plus your…

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agile Calendar and Activities Enhancements

A number of enhancements have been released for agile Calendar, and for tasks and events created on the Activities tab in supported applications. agile Calendar In agile Calendar you can now customize which users are selected.  Previously you could only pick between one person, or “All”.  The default selection when first entering agile Calendar is…

New Order Status application!

Beginning on Thursday July 28th you will have access to the new and improved agile Order Status application. In this latest release we focused on the removal of the Internet Explorer compatibility mode which often caused an undesirable “look and feel” to the application. However, we also took time to add a few more enhancements to the application as well!  Several of these new improvements are listed below. The great news is that the core functionality of the application has remained the same so you should be able to jump right in and start working.

Continued Integration of Mark Lighting product on ABL orders

Effective Monday, July 25th we will expand Mark Lighting product placed on ABL orders to the Slot Pendant, Surface and Wall which includes the following series:  S2LD, S2LI, S2LID, S2LS, S2LWD, S2LWI, S2LWID, S4LD, S4LI, S4LID, S4LS, S4LWD, S4LWI, S4LWID.

Expect to see the next update in mid-August, at which time we will allow all remaining Mark families to be placed on ABL orders.

Please contact your PM with any issues or questions during this implementation.

Submittal Generator Changes Made By User Demand!

A new version of the Submittal Generator has been released.  A number of small issues have been addressed. Below are the main functionality improvements included in this release: Per user request, the size of the favorite section has been decreased on the “Find Spec Sheet” page. Making this change allows for the Base Document section…

Project Container Now Has Customizable Phases!

You now have the ability to add your own custom project phases to the project container. Once your project container admin has added the new phases they will then show up in the phase drop down of the project container for selection.  These custom phases will be an addition to the existing phases that are already in agile.  The existing 11 phases cannot be edited or inactivated.

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Now LIVE! New AGILE RFC and Labor Claim Processes

Team, effective Monday 6/6/16, we rolled out enhancements to our AGILE Request for Claim and Labor Claims processes. We now facilitate 2-way communication between the AGILE RFC tool and the Post Sales Field Claims workbench. In addition, we have created a Contractor Payments Team to handle Labor claims, servicing our contractors directly. We are seeking…

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New Releases for AGILE RFC (Request for Claim) and Labor Processes

As we strive to enhance your customer experience and explore opportunities to improve our processes, we are excited about the following updates effective June 6, 2016: Implementation of 2-way communication between Post Sales and AGILE RFC applications Launching a new Contractor Payment Center A significant change will be made in the way we communicate claims…

Submittal Generator Updates

A new version of the Submittal Generator has been released.  A number of small issues have been addressed. Below are the main functionality improvements included in this release: Added a preference to optionally print the agency contact name. Under the package settings on the “Cover Page” tab, the “Show Contact Name” can turn on visibility…

Product Configurator Updates

A new version of the Product Configurator has been released.  A number of small issues have been addressed, and some verbiage throughout the app has also been improved. Below are the main functionality improvements included in this release: A “Restore Default” option has been added to the Linear Layout window that will allow you to…

Changes to Holophane Project Container – Inactive Verticals Hidden and Est Project $ Field Now Required If No Quote Present

Today we are introducing a few changes to the fields on Holophane projects in Project Container. The first change hides the inactive values from displaying in the corresponding “Vertical” dropdown.  The below is an example of a new project being created.  As you can see the inactive values are no longer shown. If an existing…


Project Container – New Submittal Person Dropdown and Multiple Project Managers Now Allowed

We have introduced functionality that allows you to denote who is responsible at your agency for completing submittals.  The Submittal Person dropdown gives you an easy way to track overall project submittal assignments. The Submittal Person column is also available to be added to layout customization for dashboard visibility, and can also be used to…

Request for Assistance – Agents Can Now Share the “Additional Information” Note with Request for Assistance Approvers!

By default the Additional Information note is not shared with Acuity.  To share all text in the Additional Information section of the notes tab click into the form to launch the text editor, input your text, then check the share with Acuity box.  Once you have shared your note the title will indicate this by displaying Shared with Acuity.  At this time the ability to share the Additional Information note is only available in Request for Assistance.

Peerless Products Now Available in the Product Configurator

Peerless products are now available to configure in the Product Configurator.  The following features can be used with these products. Ability to accurately configure products by selecting options. Once all required options are selected the nomenclature string will turn green and additional tools will display. Ability to move components around on linear runs. If customized and…


Upcoming Changes to the ABL Construction Type

The ABL Construction Type selection in agile will be enhanced on Monday April 18th, 2016. Available selections have been changed to more accurately reflect current industry terminology and to provide more robust reporting on the dynamic market for lighting renovation. These selections will include: New Construction, Renovation – Planned, and Renovation – Unplanned, and the following definitions…

Request for Assistance Mobile!

Request for Assistance is now available on your mobile device!  From your device just launch your browser and go to http://rfa.flywheelsites.com/dashboard.  Then login with your credentials.  A brief user guide on mobile can be located under the help tab of agile or by clicking here http://helpshared.flywheelsites.com/HelpLibrary/AgileRFA/agile%20Request%20For%20Assistance%20Mobile%20User%20Guide.pdf

Project Container Enhancements to Track Project Submittal Status!

Project Container now allows you to track the status of your submittal packages.  You can access the new drop down in any new or existing projects. Based on feedback from a number of agencies, the existing default list includes these options:  Pending, In Process, Issued / Approval Required, Returned / Changes Required, Approved, and Waived. …


Request for Assistance – Paid Techday Requests

You can now request paid techdays for Controls products on your project’s orders through the Request for Assistance application!  This option is available for new requests and is located under the Post-Installation dropdown in the Request wizard. Paid techday advises your PM that you need a troubleshooting visit scheduled by the date you list on the request.  The…


Request for Assistance – Advanced Search, Save As New, and Other Enhancements

Advanced Search Introducing Advanced Search!  This can be accessed via the dropdown next to the Search button. Once selected, you will then be taken to a screen where you can set up custom filters and date ranges.  After you select a filter, you can then use the “Next” and “Back” buttons to select additional filters,…

Acuity Product Configurator now integrated with Order Management and Submittal Generator

The Acuity Product Configurator can now be accessed from a hold order in Order Management or be used to create a submittal in Submittal Generator.  To see how follow the steps below: Integration with Order Management Open a hold order Select lines on the order to configure by clicking on the box next to the…

New Claims Request Enhancement!

The Agile Claim Request application has been enhanced to allow agents to add attachments to their claim requests after the initial submittal, regardless if the claim request has been accepted or remains in a pending status. The Acuity Post Sales team will receive an email once the attachment has been added to the claim request. This enhancement will improve communications between the agent and their Post Sales representative and help to reduce the claim cycle time.

Coming soon, agents will also be able to add comments to their claim request after its initial submittal. This feature will allow complete back and forth communications between the agent and their Post Sales representative within the Claim Request application; and, will be made available in the next enhancement release!

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Request for Assistance – Post-Installation Services

You can now request post-installation services on your project’s orders through the Request for Assistance application!  This option is available for new requests.  You will find both Startup Scheduling and Graphical Interface options under the Post-Installation dropdown in the Request wizard. Startup scheduling advises your PM that you need a startup scheduled on the date…

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Request for Assistance – Submittal Preprogramming

You can now request factory preprogramming for the LC&D components on your project through the Request for Assistance application!  This option is available for new submittal requests, or revisions of existing submittals.  You will find the Preprogramming option under the Submittal dropdown in the Request wizard. Please note that just like on other submittal requests…

Introducing the new Acuity Product Configurator!

Configure products with Ease!  Acuity Brands has a new tool to allow you to easily configure products like never before, including Winona and select Mark linear products.  To access the new Product Configurator log into agile and click on the Orders tab. Some of the exciting features include: Ability to accurately configure products by clicking…


Introducing Request for Assistance

The Request for Assistance application is designed to provide you an easy way to obtain assistance from the Acuity Solutions team.  You can currently select from design, BOM, and submittal requests for Controls products, but we are planning on expanding this to encompass other types of assistance and product lines in the future. To get…

New Submittal Generator Controls Features

Submittal Generator has been updated with new features to facilitate and incorporate Controls submittals into agile. This includes the new Notes tab, ability to create/save favorite documents, and add documents (only PDF files) from the agile project such as drawing and warranties. The Notes Tab The notes tab is used to add notes to the…

Exciting Enhancements to Schedule Builder!

Today we are pleased to introduce a number of enhancements to agile Schedule Builder. Manual Line Reordering Users are now able to manually reorganize and reorder lines on their schedules.  This eliminates the previous built-in custom ordering that sorted ascending by Type (A, A1, B, C, etc.).  To use this functionality, simply drag a line…

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More Document Enhancements!

In this latest release we have added a new date column to the documents grid called “Upload Date”.  This will display the date and time the file was uploaded into agile.  We are also providing you with the ability to group uploaded documents by the various column headings.  For example you can now group documents so they are displayed according to who they were uploaded by.


Updated Returns Application

We have deployed an updated version of the Returns application that does not require flywheelsites.com to be in Compatibility View in order to enter a return. If you do not have it in compatibility view, you will continue to see Xs in the headers under the View Returns tab, but this will not impact you from viewing the status of a return request.

In addition to removing the need for compatibility view, we have made a few enhancements when entering a return from scratch.

New Claims Request Enhancement!

In an effort to reduce future quality defects and the back-and-forth associated with certain claim types, we are making a change to the claim process.  On Monday, October 5th, the Agile Claim Request application will include additional questions to be answered by the agent as part of their claim request submittal. The responses to these questions will help to determine the root cause of quality deficiencies for the following reason codes: Product Performance and Lighting Fixture Option Not Working Properly. Initially, providing answers to the questions will be optional.   However, on Monday, November 2nd, answers to some of the questions will be required in order to submit a claim request.

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agile Documents – Increased Performance

We deployed a new version of Documents on Tuesday in an effort to increase performance; particularly around projects with hundreds of documents.  The Documents tab will now load in a matter of seconds.  As part of this increased performance Documents will now have paging at the bottom of the screen.  The default number of items displayed is…


Cursing and Acuity Emails

Have you ever had a day where you felt the need to express yourself with a  passion that would make a sailor blush? It may be descriptive, but it won’t make it through to Acuity with our email filter settings.

We use filter logic that scans for choice word and, if contained, the filter will block the emails from getting to your intended recipient.  This would also include an email containing a fan company with an unfortunate name!


agile Application Support for Windows 10

As you may have heard, Microsoft is releasing their new operating software, Windows 10 on July 29, 2015.  Corporately, we have been testing agile applications with pre-release versions of Windows 10, as well as some agencies have been beta users for Microsoft.

We are pleased to report that we have not experienced any problems or had any agency feedback of issues using Windows 10 with agile. We plan to continue our testing when the final release is made available on July 29th.


Outlook 2013 Updates

Microsoft is deploying two new features to Outlook in June 2015.

Lync is changing to Skype for Business and Clutter will be added to your email.

 Clutter is actually a process that uses machine learning to move lower priority messages out of your inbox to a new CLUTTER folder.  The goal is to remove distractions and allow you to focus on important emails.

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New agile Activities!

Have you ever wanted to view a company record in contact management and see all activity with that account? Or open a project container and quickly view all tasks that have been completed for a given project? The new “Activities” tab is here to help you better manage these daily agile tasks and events.  In conjunction with the Activities tab we are also introducing agile Calendar, agile Tasks, and improvements to the Notes tab.